Liren Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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These elves are the descendants of the pale elves who settled on the surface of the arctic continent of Koldkom. The environment sheltered allowed their skin to become paler and more adapted to the climate slowly.   They are bulkier than the average Mirran containing a natural strength that is used primarily for hunting. They don't grow facial hair making most of them cover their faces in a lining when our in the cold. The skin is of a snow white allowing them to blend into the environment when hunting, and with a very small minority containing violet freckles. Their hair is mostly in the tones of black with a select few having hair in range dusty blues and greys. Their eyes can see in the dark but are light sensitive with the colours consisting of blues, greys and soft brick reds. They have a life span of 500 years with most of them dying by the age of 250.   They are mostly found in the continent of Koldkom with few leaving it because of the misty sky that protects their eyes. Most groups that have left have adapted to the other climates and look almost nothing alike. They have a great rivalry with the Daidarabotchi for being enslaved by Atnas Kojima Duri for a great many years.   Their religion primarily consists of Pian as their interstellar ancestors converse with them when their comet passes by.   Their naming culture is based on the stars. The first name is written last with the surname first, this leads to most surnames being pretty short. They have a middle name based on the month they are born in and which a star is assigned to it, Either is pickable:
1 - Lobelia/Elrand
2 - Aredhel/Arwen
3 - Eowyn/Galadriel
4 - Calen/Freda
5 - Luthien/Aldon
6 - Idril/Elbereth
7 - Tara/Frodo
8 - Elva/Peregrin
9 - Nienna/Haga
  Those with the 9th middle name are highly respected as it is impossible for anyone to be born with it since the Treaty of the Flying Baron. The first name is chosen by the parents. It is considered disrespectful to ignore the surname when addressing someone by name.

Cover image: by Artgalles


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