Yoba Odole Rank/Title in Massaolo | World Anvil

Yoba Odole

"Without law, who would be safe? Who would be free? Who would be alive? This is why we need the law. For the same reasons, the law needs the Yoba Odole"
The Yoba Odole are an elite caste of lawyers, guards, and legislators within Nywozi society. Translating roughly to "Guardians of the Law," they are the supreme authority on the codification, enforcement, and interpretation of law within their communities and are highly revered in society.


Ascension to the rank of Yoba Dole is a lifelong pursuit, requiring decades of study and practice. Each aspirant must spend a full ten years in a form of apprenticeship known as 'Msobamke' to a current Yoba Dole. During this time they are to memorize the entirety of the law code, train in the practice of law, and learn the secret tongue of Nywompa.


Only ten-year-olds of 'perfect physical and mental form' (ie no missing limbs, scars, disabilities) are permitted to start the training to become a Yoba Dole. Should an aspirant acquire a deformity or disability during their training, they will be be expelled from their training. To compensate for this, aspirants are granted the same sacrosanctity that their masters are; any who harm them are put to death.


Upon completion of their Msobamke, aspirants are given a final exam. This exam is taken before the council of all Yoba Odole in the community and includes recital of the law code, partaking in a trial, and a written essay. Upon passing, the aspirant is granted the rank and has a ruby inserted into their right ear lobe to signify their rank.


Yoba Odole are charged with upholding, maintaining, and expanding the law of their people. This includes everything from patrolling the streets to conducting trials to ratifying new laws.
Civic, Law
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Length of Term

Cover image: by Alan Levine


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