Yoganishi's Oath Document in Manarchy | World Anvil

Yoganishi's Oath


To protect all involved parties in the crowning of (character) to avoid infighting and further geopolitical unrest, as stability was paramount to the healing of the country

Document Structure


The Oath was enchanted with a powerful enchantment which Elsed participated with a part of her own mystic followers. It was made with one of the strongest oath magic which carved the way to further similar spells. Upon breaching of the main caveat such as killing a mutual directly or through a proxy, the one turning against his contractors would get it's soul and body cremated on place

Publication Status

The document is allowed as copies in the archives among the provinces. Other countries biggest libraries also have a copy of ()'s laws for requests. The original documented is kept under secrecy and rumored to be kept under (character)'s castle.

Legal status

The documented is considered a main law in (region) and paramount to political agreements with the province of Yoganishi

Historical Details


After the undertaking of (region) and removal of last ruler (character), the new annointed Empress gathered her main actors in the coup. Yoganishi's Oath was an affiliation of a province to one of her most powerful followers, Elsed Breveldine, which would be renamed Demon Empress Magalphas. The former elf magus desired to get control and free reigns of the north-east region, as it contained two keys interests for her: the presence of an ancient destroyed Demon Gate, and also rumored that the neighbour province above, (location), holds a major influence on followers of Pazuzu, a demon god Elsed has a personnal hatred for. The treaty was made as a safe measure as most of the members were expecting her to be a problem given time, but that her focus on pazuzu's forces would keep her busy and satisfied enough, and to avoid further possible deaths and stabilise the change of rulership. The time was to a common collaboration, and not for further bloodshed and stability.


The ramification of this sharing of powers and responsibilities was not seen as bad early on, but as Elsed turned into a demon, many citizen of Yoganishi felt as if the empress made a ominous deal with dark forces. This made geopolitical relationships among other provinces severed and create parts of rebellion, but most were dispatched by Magalphas' Branding Claw. To this day, the situation in Yoganishi is still considered a thorn in the empress' legacy, but a fair amount of denizens believe this deal was a lesser evil despite the shortcomings in Yoganishi related to it's ruler. Some even consider it a sacrifice for keeping the nation's enemy at bay, whatever the cost.


The document's effective is said to be done and in need of change of signings if either the empress (character) or Magalphas' blood lineage would be removed off their duties, assumably through death and lack of blood-related successors.
Signatories (Characters)


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