Red Ravens Military Formation in Malyk | World Anvil
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Red Ravens

The Red Ravens are a sub company in the Ebony Legion, within the Empire of Ulstrom. They are highly specialized, and considered the most efficient and deadly force on the continent of Nor.  


As with the Ebony Legion, the leader of this company is given the rank commander. The commander of the Red Ravens, as of the year 857 IA (fourth era) is Elena Heldergin. Underneath the commander of the Red Ravens is three captains, who commands any number of soldiers.  


The Red Ravens were formed in the year 69 IA, in order to combat the emerging threat of the Order of the Silverblade, who were considered treasonous. They became specialized as inquisitors, and traveled in the Arden and Branfell provinces to route out and destroy their members. They often times were given legal authority, by House Starblight itself, to be temporarily exempt from the law in certain circumstances in order to weed out and destroy enemies of the empire.  

Cultural Views

Most people of the Empire of Ulstrom do not like the Red Ravens. Even though they act within the law, they are viewed as often a violation of the rights of the people and a symbol of the empire's tyranny under House Starblight. Knowing this, most members of the Red Ravens are often hardened emotionally, and lack family ties, as most families disown kin that join the Red Ravens.


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