Celestial Soul War Military Conflict in Malify | World Anvil
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Celestial Soul War

How does one battle in a realm of celestial beauty? How is a war fought when death is not an option? When is the war over? What sort of punishment happens to the losers? We do not know all the answers to these questions. We can imagine it lasting for eons, a ward of words and a tumult of opinion. Did combatants switch sides during the conflict? Were there times of ascendance and retreat?

The Conflict


When the Creator begot the race of men in the eternities before we were born, He also prepared a place of trials in anticipation of future growth for his offspring. When He gathered his offspring together to explain the 'Trial of Earth' it was exciting, but worrisome as well. We would hurt, we would do bad things, bad things would happen to us too. We didn't understand, not really, what that even meant. We did understand that a lot of what would happen there would be because we chose or didn't choose certain things.    Then our sibling came. Known now as the Devourer, he proposed something better. We could still have our 'Trial of Earth' but he would make it easy. All we needed to do was let him make all the decisions. We wouldn't have to worry about making mistakes, he wouldn't let us. No one would hurt us, because he would prevent them from doing so. A perfect plan, reasoned he. We only had to do two things. Honor him instead of the Creator with his flawed plan, and give over our ability to choose for ourselves to him.   Many liked that plan and did freely give up their agency for the promise of safety. Many more did not and remained loyal to the Creator and His plan. The Creator could not deny His children the right to choose for themselves, and the Devourer would not relinquish his power or his opposition - the Celestial Soul War had begun.


The Celestial Realms.


The Celestial realm's battlefield has ended, souls were to remain free.  The War continues in a different theater.

Historical Significance


The Celestial Soul War was waged before humankind ever drew mortal breath. The victors were given access to earth, with its mortal trials and growth. The losers were also given access to earth, but in spirit form and with very little power. These disembodied spirits still prosecute the war as best they can. They hope for ultimate victory before the end times come.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
The forces of the Creator were successful, but the war continues.


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