Hallowed Halls | Lost Waves

Hallowed Halls

This very old temple was built when Jolethai was a much bigger city and thus the temple was made to be very impressive. Today it's very worn down, lacking most of its ornaments. It is also very big considering how much attention it is currently getting. It's two wings have mostly been converted to giant mausoleums for those who can afford such a burial.   The high priest of the temple is sand elf called Phareein Thaunirel. He's old even by elf standards and often seen as a guiding figure for those who seek to understand life, death, or how to come to terms with either. He will always welcome anyone to the temple, ready to help them in any way he can.


The halls are mostly very grand, but simple stone structures. There are many statues both of the Raven Queen and various important figures from the city's history. Some of them only remembered by Phareein and a few historical documents. There are many places to pray, a lot of space to take care of the dying as well as prepare them for their afterlife.   There are rumours of tunnels under the graveyard that lead to the various larger crypts. Some of these rumours claim the tunnels aren't used because of an infestation of undead. Either way, the temple disputes any tunnels existing at all.
Alternative Names
The Temple to the Raven Queen
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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