The Hunt Tradition / Ritual in Lost Realms of Ebelar | World Anvil
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The Hunt


This tradition began in a small tribe located in southern Pelidore in approximately 25AL. It started as a simple tradition that a young person would join the tribe in hunting for the first time when they became mature, and evolved into a more and more important ritual in the culture of the tribe. It evolved into a solo hunt that is extremely ritualistic in nature and is the complete coming of age ceremony for almost all members of Pelidore's society, and has an importance reminiscent of a wedding.


At an age where the species reaches maturity, or the mental age of around a 16 year old human, the community comes together and dresses the child in ceremonial clothing. The child is then given a spear and a scimitar and sent off into the nearest wilderness by themselves. They are expected to spend at least one day out in the wilderness reflecting and becoming an adult member of society, and are expected to bring back enough meat to feed their own family for a feast the next day. After the ceremony is complete, they are considered a legal adult.

Components and tools

For this ritual, a set of ceremonial clothing that typically includes religious jewelry and animal hide is provided to the child, as well as a ceremonial spear that is dipped in the blood of the most recent kill and a scimitar with a handle made from bone.


Obviously the child reaching maturity is necessary for this celebration, but often the parents of the child are brought to adorn the child in their ceremonial outfit, and a village figure of authority, whether it be a governmental figure or the village elder sees the child off into the wilderness and gifts them their spear and scimitar.


The ritual is observed whenever a member of a village reaches the age of maturity for their species, or the equivalent of 16 for a human.


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