Maghast's Guide to Draknaths Document in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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Maghast's Guide to Draknaths

This book is the result of Maghast Lor-Akar's decades of studies about the Draknaths.   Chapters:
  1. Draknaths Classification
  2. Theropods
  3. Sauropods
  4. Marginocephalia
  5. Tyreophora
  6. Ornithopoda
  7. Taming Draknaths


The purpose of this book was to describe the anatomy, physiology, and ecology of the Draknaths. Furthermore, Maghast suggested a taxonomic classification of these creatures in this document.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Although extremely rare, this book is legal in all the Eight Realms. However, it has not been printed since 6012 BBE
Manual, Scientific
Authoring Date
6759 BBE
Ratification Date
6753 BBE


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