Stone rot Species in Land of the Ancients | World Anvil

Stone rot

Considered something between a nuisance and a scourge deep below the ground, it is something that surface dwellers rarely hear about.

In warm caves it grows into the rock, cracking it. This in turn can cause entire cave systems to collapse as the walls becomes to weak. People traveling the cave systems are often reminded to look out for stone walls that are unusually porous, particularly if the pores are filled with grey mycelia.

Failing to keep an eye on the wall can lead folks straight into a natural trap and many adventurers have met their fate because of this. It is also why guides are in high demand for adventuring parties.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Stone rot can be found in the caves of the Underdark where it thrives as long as the temperature is above 50°C and it is moderately moist.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This fungus lives of the various minerals that can be found inside of the rock. If the rock is porous enough to let water through the fungus has a tendency to stop growing, as the minerals are brought to it via the water.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Usually stone rot is considered a pest, but in rare circumstances it can be used to speed up mining and tunnel creation. Hover, this is considered a very risky method, as it becomes hard to control once the project is done.

As with most things attempts have been made to use it as a siege weapon to take down or weaken fortifications. Due to the amount of time it takes to take hold and how fortifications are often inspected it is only rarely able to be used in such a way.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Stone rot can be found in most places in the Underdark, but sapient species do try to limit its spread as it can post a danger if it is allowed to undermine the caves.

Conservation Status


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