Druids Organization in Kytheria | World Anvil
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Active in the Shield and Cambria regions (and to a lesser extent in the Marches), druids serve a variety of roles in their societies, even breaking into separate branches in some areas (though not all regions acknowledge ovates and bards as being distinct). In addition to divination and learning history, druids are expected to serve as judges in their communities, and in cities they often serve as peacekeepers.   The societies of the Shield and nearby regions tend to be a little more chaotic than an Imperial citizen would like, with law being a matter of custom in most places coupled with edicts from the gods. If a person believes they've been wronged and not in a specifically proscribed way, a druid will hear the complaint and render a judgment (typically an older druid who understands the ins and outs of the community). This allows for consideration in cases where extenuating circumstances or frivolous grievances come into play.   Because warriors occupy a social stratum just below priests, many petty nobles and their soldiers can get away with a great deal of violence and wickedness toward the lower classes, though peasants still have recourse in certain circumstances (and in some areas all 'peasants' are allowed to carry weapons and train with them, making this distinction moot). Powerful bans against harming druids unless in self-defense have been set up, and any who strike down a druid who did not initiate the fight will be spiritually branded- and the little gods of stones and trees and grass will recognize this brand, resulting in a lifelong curse for the offender. This allows druids to perform their duties as peacekeepers even within a warrior society, arresting even the most puissant fighters with little trouble. Though operating mostly as a judge, druids will directly intervene at times.

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