Kings and Conquerors Game Tradition / Ritual in Kyrn | World Anvil

Kings and Conquerors Game

Kings and Conquerors is a strategy game that uses a board and dice to simulate a battle between two opponents. It is popular with many military leaders for teaching the basics of strategy and warfare. The game was originally created by the nomads of the Zayira Desert. Over the years the game has expanded to include naval warfare as well, but that is an uncommon variant except amongst sailors and pirates.   While the game is rare for non-military players, it can sometimes be found being played in inns and taverns, especially in the larger cities of the Empire of Kyrnia.


The game is played in alternating turns with the first person placing any defensive units on the board first, followed by the opponent placing their defensive structures. Turns then alternate placing of military units until all units are deployed on the board.  Dice are then rolled to determine movement and results of units attacking each other.

Components and tools

The game board consists of 100 squares, usually the board is white with black lines denoting the spaces, but the naval version is often blue with white lines.  The pieces represent various military units including infantry, cavalry, charioteers and militia as well as defensive structures such as walls, towers, barricades, ditches and siege weapons. The naval game includes ships and siege weapons as well as a special die to indicate weather conditions.


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