The Sin Oil Refinery Building / Landmark in Kunrai - The Strangling City | World Anvil

The Sin Oil Refinery

Before the mighty city of Sea Dragon's Rest sank below the waves, leaving Kunrai as the mortal's last foothold on the world, it's rulers were widely feared and revered for their profligate use of refined Radiance to perform dozens of mundane tasks. It is said the last Regal Governor of that fine city burned thousands of vials of the sacred energy each and every day to keep his house cooled and his servants filled with energy that precluded their need for sleep. This obscene consumption lasted for decades, leading many to wonder if there was any limit to the man's greed.   Fueling the governor's rampant consumption of radiance was the infamous Hirigani Refinery. Day in, and day out, massive shipments of holy radiance poured out the factories doors and into gold-lacquered sampans that carried it from neighboring Kunrai, through the canals of Sea Dragon's Rest, and at last to the misty caverns below the governor's mansion. There it was offloaded under the watchful of the Divine Dragon Guard, who served the governor without question or hesitation even as the world sank around them.   When the sea devoured most of the world, the Church of Broken Faith rose up to punish those they held responsible for the great calamity. The leader of the Church, Nonsol Villasor, laid the world's destruction at the feat of those who cultivated or refined radiance. The most obvious lightning rod for his rage, the Hirigani Refinery, because the mad cult's target. Brutal fighting lasted for days, but eventually lead to the refinery's workers and owners being put to the torch as an example to other nonbelievers.   Though the Church was eradicated from most parts of Kunrai, a small, fanatically loyal sect of believers still haunts the ruins. Rumors say they frequently venture out to kidnap any cultivators they can find. What happens to those poor souls can be attested to by the piles of broken and burned bones often found on the outskirts of the refinery.


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