Ein's Crater

Located on the southern coast of Omath is a massive crater with a diameter of over two miles and a depth of over one thousand feet. The more stodgy scholars state that the origins of the crator predate life on the planet and was likely incurred during the creation of this world as it was wrought from the chaos of the multiverse.   Nevertheless, a fairly prominent mythology has been built around the crater which is so engrained in Omathi culture that even those who live prosaic lives with nary a thought towards magic and mysticism have wholeheartedly bought into the tales.   The legends are rooted in what is accepted as fundamental truth of the origins of Kruos. They say that many millenia ago, several elemental princes decided that they must create a place on the Material Plane in which they could imprison denizens of the elemental planes who refused to accept their dominion in their home planes. They sought a powerful being from the Outer Planes to assist them in crafting a prison on the Material Plane with a special barrier to prevent any sort of banishment, teleportation, or any sort of long-distance communication. A single portal was created inside this prison for the humanoid wardens to pass through but warded against elementals. The entity that the elemental princes convinced to create the prison was known to them as Ein and they named the prison for him, Dalaein.   Where the mythology takes a more discordant term lies in the origins of the crater and how it affects those who delve into it. The believers say that when Ein came to Kruos, then an unformed piece of rock floating in the void, his arrival was somewhat cataclysmic and in landing he created the very crater which exists today. Believers who bathe in the pools that form at the bottom of the crater are said to become imbued with the essence of Ein and experience good fortune for a year's time.


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