Katarite Material in Kithaen | World Anvil
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"You want a cloak that gives you the ability to fly? Yeah, that's not happening. The katarite you have isn't pure enough for that. A cloak that billows? Sure. A cloak that flys? Not a chance."

- A nameless enchanter

Katarite is a gemstone found mostly in the north west of Kithaen. Katarite of low clarity can be usually found near the surface and in hills, while high clarity gems are often found deep underground or in mountains. The gems are used to store magic and enchant items with magical properties.

With the exception of a recent discovery in Razpeka, deposits of katarite have only been found in Chamtar and Bailsär.

Item Enchanments

Katarite's most common use is to enchant items and equipment with magic. A mage stores magic into the gem and an enchanter embeds the gem into an item or piece of equipment.

In its natural form, katarite is colorless. When imbued with magic, the gem will change color based on the type of magic the mage stored within it.

Gems with high clarity are able to store stronger magic than gems with low clarity. The size of the katarite has little to no effect on the gem's ability to store magic. Thus, an enchanter looking to create an item with a powerful enchantment cares more about the clarity of the katarite they are using than the size.


Katarite was first discovered in a mine in Bailsär over 800 years ago. The gemstone, thought to only be a precious stone, immediately began showing up in Bailsäran jewelry.

Bailsär was the exclusive exporter of katarite for nearly 200 years. The magical properties of the gem was discovered by Gnolu mages a century later. Around the same time, katarite was found during an archaelogical expedition in Chamtar.


The first trade agreements concerning katarite were made between Gnolu and Bailsär after the discovery of the gemstone's magical properties. In exhange for lower priced enchanted items for Bailsären, Gnolu got a discount on importing katarite.

After katarite was discovered in Chamtar, the kingdoms of Bailsär, Gnolu, Chamtar, and Lydshr, the Dwarven tribes, and the Draxari clans entered into the Katarite Trade Agreement. This treaty dictates the rules and regulations of buying, selling, and mining katarite.

Razpeka is the only country in Kithaen to not have signed the treaty. The other kingdoms were unconcerned with this until katarite was discovered there four years ago. Negotiations with the young country about entering into the Katarite Trade Agreement have been ongoing since then.

25 gold - 25,000 gold
Varies by quality

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Cover image: by World Anvil


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