Rite of Youth Tradition / Ritual in Kima | World Anvil

Rite of Youth

The Katzan Rite of Youth is performed at the Ačkan Ritual Site once on the first day of every year. At that point, all of the Katzans across the region who are eighteen years old, or will turn eighteen during the course of the rite, journey to the ritual site to participate in the rite. This ceremony officially marks Katzans as adults as recognized by the village Elders. It is also during this time that a Katzan’s Path is marked in the stone records.   On the day preceding the Rite of Youth, the final day of the year, is the Festival of Wreaths. Those who will be participating in the coming of age ceremony the next day are given special treatment during the festival. They are presented with gifts meant to help them on their journey. These typically consist of weapons, tools, or sentimental trinkets. They are then sent home early from the festival to rest their bodies for the coming days.   The rite takes a week to complete. On the first morning, those participating, Seekers, set off in different directions from the Ačkan Ritual Site. The direction is chosen by the Seeker, and is based on what Path they aim to pursue within their village. Mages hoping to become Mavens head for the Katzan Conservatory Tower. They’re already familiar with the Conservatory itself due to their years of training, but not the tower. Would-be Sentries journey to the Southeast Watchtower. There are typically very few of these, and candidates are selected beforehand. Those who wish to work near the ocean, fishing, building ships, or guarding the seaside border, go to Vonshaw. Seekers whose hearts sing for hunting, exploring, or logging, go to the Risen Forest. Finally, those who like metalworking, mining, building, and trading, travel to Steelham.   A Maven accompanies each group of Seekers, keeping them from straying. Every Seeker’s trial is different, based on their experiences, beliefs, fears, and hopes. The trial is meant to cement them on their Path, or convince them to change it. Once the trial is completed, the Seeker returns to the Ačkan Ritual Site. Some return sooner than others. Upon their arrival, their Path is carved into one of the stones in the site. Every Katzan who’s ever completed their trial and found their Path is recorded on these stones.   If a Seeker fails to complete the trial, settle on a Path, or return within a week, they are considered a failure, and they must try again the next year. Some never complete the Rite of Youth. They’re called the Aimless, and are treated like children. They aren’t given a voice in village or region decisions. Many Aimless end up moving to the village of Hakesetr, nestled in the Širik Mountains, or out of Katzan altogether.
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