The Scarfall Pickaxe Head Item in Jeharr | World Anvil
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The Scarfall Pickaxe Head


The Scarfall Pickaxe Head is a critical artifact in understanding the Old World period and the rise of the states of the Pestilent Species following nearly 4000 years of domination by the Mossix Empire. Up until this point military and civil infrastructure was dominated by tin which was most common on Akim'Dovear. When combined, tin and copper created the alloy bronze which was the best metal material available for thousands of years for the creation of tools, weapons, armor, etc.. The availability of tin on Akim'Dovear was essential to the Mossix Empire's domination of Jeharr, so when the more plentiful and stronger iron became available, the Mossix Empire's technological advantage over the Pestilent Species vanished overnight.   As simple and mundane as the Scarfall Pickaxe Head seems, it may be the single most important artifact in understanding the fall of the Mossix Empire and the end of the Old World period. The development of iron tools, weapons, and armor not only created a military advantage for the Pestilent States, but also a supply and logistical one. Iron tools allowed for faster and more efficient excavation, processing, and manufacturing.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Scarfall Pickaxe Head is a crude, broken iron pickaxe that once served the function of digging more iron up from mines below Scarfall.


The Scarfall Pickaxe Head is the earliest known example of iron being used in tools. The Pickaxe Head was discovered in Scarfall, which serves as evidence that the first place on Jeharr to have developed functional iron smelters was Scarfall.
Owning Organization
6 lbs
Raw materials & Components
The Pickaxe is famously made of iron and is the first known example of an iron tool on Jeharr.


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