Western Mining Camp Settlement in Isles of Edren | World Anvil

Western Mining Camp

The Western Mining Camp is a Mining Federation settlement located to the west of the Goll Mountains and Mines on the island of Goll. The Western Mining Camp is north of Widemaw, the only city on the island. The Western Mining Camp serves as a hub outside the mines for employees of the Mining Federation to rest, resupply, prepare for going into the mines, as well as prepare mined materials for transport to Widemaw for processing.   The Western Mining Camp is not setup for permanent residence, but more so as a place for the goblins that work in the mine to rest when doing back-to-back shifts. Most employees live in the Goll Goblin Villages which are scattered around the islands 3 separate mining camps. The camp has a few notable buildings:
  • Supply Tent - meant for getting supplies like pickaxes, buckets, helmets, explosive charges, etc. that might be necessary while mining. The Dire Wolves are also kept and trained near here.
  • Screening Area - an area where goblins are checked both before entering and exiting the mines, to ensure they are not stealing anything.
  • Office at the Western Mining Camp - the administrative office ran by the camp's foreman, Foreman Gozz. This is also where the vault for the camp is, holding a variety of mined riches that have not been sent out yet.
Location under
Owning Organization


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