Mechanical Limbs Technology / Science in Isles of Edren | World Anvil

Mechanical Limbs

Developed by Wentworth Pharmaceuticals , these artificial limbs serve the purpose of providing mobility and usability to those who have lost their limbs, or need them replaced for one reason or another. Initially developed by Orros Yeben Gamop Sinkur  while working at Wentworth back in the 842.   Orros Yeben Gamop Sinkur  started out as an engineer working at Wentworth Pharmaceuticals in their Medication Delivery Systems Department. Sinkur's first useable prototype was made for Feric Wake , a janitor at Wentworth Pharmaceuticals. Wake had lost his left leg when a cart lost control, and had initially been working with a pegleg. Sinkur had noticed Wake was having difficulty with his new prosthetic, and offered to engineer a more robust solution. Using a combination of gears, wood, and basic pulleys, he was able to make the first mechanical limb with a functioning knee and ankle joint. After discussing his invention with his management, Wentworth Pharmaceuticals went on to patent the invention, and Sinkur was made Head of the Mechanical Limbs Department .    Initially, the prosthetics were focused primarily on helping patients with leg amputations, but continued to expand as the years went on. Each design brought on further functionality, improved balance, and a more 'natural' experience for those that lost their limbs. There also became a need for more modular designs, able to be altered to a patients size and needs, rather than making each prosethic completely custom. There was also changes in materials used, going from wood, to gold, to iron, to a steel alloy. This allowed for stronger matrices, at lower weight. The limbs have continued to develop, branching out into more prostetics than just limbs, exploring into artificial organs, eyes, and even noses.


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