"We've found some old journals, and we know that many of your Clan Elders know bits and pieces of Rexic....would you be willing to allow us to speak to them?" A scrawny and pale linguist asked, shuffling awkwardly in front of the similarly pale but far better put together woman.
"We have two Elders who may be able to translate for you. But...<Can you speak Vampyric?>"She looked down her nose at him, brow crinkling.
The man nodded a few times. "<Yes, I speak it. Just a little.>"
Rexic is one of the fourth oldest languages of Isidoro alongside its siblings
Tricic and
Feranic as well as its cousins, Dragonspeak and Wyvernspeak.
It stems from the Demonic language family, and has branched into two other forms of languages:
Vampyric and
Usage Today
Rexic is not currently used today with the incredibly rare exception of very old
vampires. In comparison it would be similar to someone speaking a mix of shakespearean english mixed with excessive latin. The sounds are full of hisses, and many consider sounds 'smooshed' together. It can be hard to tell one word apart from the next. Many non-vampires would likely assume the speaker had a lisp while speaking plain vampyric, but othes well versed would be able to tell the sounds apart.