Jorann Prilmil | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Jorann Prilmil

Caretaker of the Yggdrasil Shrine

Cleric Jorann Prilmil

Her scales catch the light of the stained glass window, scattering motes of light across the floor like brilliant emerald shards. The pages of her book turn on their own as she reads and studies in the quietness of the shrine, waiting for someone to enter and find what it is that they seek. In the hallowed halls of this shrine, she found her own redemption, now she leads others to the same realization.   In the northern reaches of the Elven Forest, her green scales are uncommon, people more accustomed to the metallic shades that glide over the earth as those of the "Metallic Council" pass by. For many, that deep emerald color was enough to cause mistrust, but the symbol on her armor was often enough to remove that deep-seated feeling. While her scales may be chromatic in color, she had long since denounced her colored kin.   As a Cleric of Kallex, Jorann Prilmil fulfills her duties in the Yggdrasil Shrine. The place that allowed her to find redemption has become a place of safety and reflection for many others. It is her sacred duty to continue this legacy, to remove judgment where none is needed. Those that enter her shrine are not looking to be judged, only to be saved from their own twisted hearts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Looking back, Jorann’s childhood and her early adult years are full of secrets that she wishes to bury, skeletons hidden that she never wants to see again. As much as she strives to hide her past, without it she wouldn’t have come to the Yggdrasil Shrine and found her redemption. While she wishes to hide it from those around her, she must acknowledge it or she could never face her god.   As a Chromatic Dragonkin, Jorann was tasked often with the killing of those that disagreed with the leaders of her tribe. Men, women, children, it mattered little to those that wished for nothing more than land and treasure to appease the Green Dragon that called their area home. It was almost demeaning to serve the Dragon like the Lesser Dragonkin, but this was something she didn’t realize until much later. She served as she was her duty, never wavering until something made her leave her homeland.   A run in with a Metallic Dragonkin made her question her place in her tribe. The amount of blood on her hands was sickening, enough to make her leave her home instead of participating in the vicious cycle she had known her entire life. She was left to wander Vóreios, eventually finding herself in the cold reaches of the Northern Outposts.   It was there she found her redemption through the man that was the caretaker of the shrine. Jorann found Kallex, so different from the god Xellak and the Chromatic Dragons that her kind followed. There was a strength to be found in Kallex, leadership and courage that she had never had. While it was odd to find a Chromatic Dragon of any type following the god of the Metallic Dragons, she reveled in it, making a place for herself in Yllvalion.   Now she serves as the caretaker of the shrine, never judging or turning away those who need it most. The shrine she cares for is there for the followers of any of the gods, not just Kallex, Ygg, and the Huntress that are commonly followed in the area. As long as Jorann lives, the shrine will be a place of salvation and redemption, ideas that need no specific god to help find.
Date of Birth
17 Winter's Morning, 256 EA
Year of Birth
256 EA 44 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Emerald Green
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Jorann Prilmil by Portrait via Portrait Workshop, created by RiverFang


Author's Notes

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Aug 16, 2021 15:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Kallex and Xellak, hm?   What a fraught past. I'm glad that she has been able to find redemption and a better calling.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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