Deep Speech | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Deep Speech

Language of the Káto Dwellers

A strange and eerie language that is seldom spoken about even in whispered and hushed voices, it does not originate in the world of Isekai and seems to function in a completely different way than most languages. Speakers of this language include monsters from beyond the normal realms of Isekai such as Eldritch Abominations. The sounds of this language are that of mindless gibberish that never ceases and repeats itself over and over, prolonged exposure to this language has been said to sap the sanity of some creatures. The script is horrific, a confusing jumble of pictures that seems to hold no meaning but communicates something rather menacing all the same as if they came from a diseased mind.   The earliest appearance of this language is unknown as is the exact area that it appeared in, as far as history is concerned Deep Speech has appeared randomly throughout history as a fully formed or broken language. Creatures that live deep within the recesses of the world, in the dangerous tunnels of Káto are the only consistent places to find creatures that recognize this language. These come in the form of Eldritch Horrors, creatures that come from a different realm entirely or abominations that look like a mishmash of bodily components. The appearance of Deep Speech as a written language strays into history at sporadic times, often with the discovery of a half-destroyed book or a toppled statue found in a small cavern that fails to convey any significance. Because of this, Deep Speech is considered a fascinating topic by scholars to research but it is regarded as taboo to speak or to write in as an actual language. Most cultures that are familiar with Deep Speech will shun those that would break the taboo while others that are unfamiliar with it will often complain that it unnerves them or even causes strange headaches, delusions, or bouts of insanity.   The advantages of speaking this language are few and tied directly to those that would research the strange happenings of the Eldritch Horrors or the interlopers of the Eldritch War. The rare creature that would choose to learn and speak this language is considered to be unstable, their judgment and mannerisms are often strange and cause unease in those around them. These creatures are considered incredibly dangerous and not to be trusted, their nature to prey upon all civilized races without hesitation makes the idea of communicating with them seem like a waste of time to most. The few that have taken this path have found critical information to how those creatures function but they are often left with more questions and later find that they were not the only ones gaining information.

Writing System

Spoken By
Káto Dwellers


Author's Notes

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Sep 9, 2021 13:30 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'D' and '9' are my favourite letters. I would love to learn more about Deep Speech, but I don't think it's worth my sanity.

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