Bernt Sik Character in Iphars | World Anvil

Bernt Sik

Bernt Sik, son of Lars Sik, has born and grown inside the Church of the Hidden One. Since he was a little kid, he had some power over the whole organization, at first without knowing it, but he once discovered it and started using to benefit himself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Brent is a slender and short boy, with pale skin and long brown hair that falls to his shoulders. As his father, nothing of his aspect stands out, except his deep honey eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bernt Sik was born in Kinduar, he has grown in the city and never went outside it. Bernt has grown inside the Church of the Hidden One, as his father is the leader, and has embrace it.
From times to times, Lars Sik ask him about his opinions and ideas to know if he still believed in Riox. This ideas and opinions have slowly settled down on his old father mind and Lars Sik started to believe that they were Lars' ideas. Bernt, after discovering this, has started to manipulate his father's actions to try to learn things about his mother and to be left to go outside the city.
Bernt has lately started to ask to go with the missionaries to other place, to expand his knowledge about the world and help the missionaries spread Riox's word.


Bernt has been educated by his father and other Riox's followers, in the Riox's home. He has learn basic things to survive on his own (thought he has never been alone), and everything the Church of the Hidden One say about their god.


Religious Views

Bernt, having grown in the middle of a religion, believes in @riox, just as the Church of the Hidden One and his father, Lars Sik. He mostly is accord to them, thought there are some points that he think the Church of the Hidden One is wrong.
This article is in order to be re-written, either to fit worldbuilding style, to change structure of article, or to fit updated lore. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.
Prompt 30: Write about an unassuming character who secretly controls things from behind the scenes.
Current Location
Current Residence
1.58 metres
58 kg
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Verti
Character Portrait image: by Artbreeder


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