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This is the Inkiverse.   It's a sweet little somewhere about a billion years into the future, in a galaxy called Myrrdicato, just a hop and a skip away from the one we call home. It's home to a vast array of stories, about the good and the bad, the strange and the sweet, the tragic and comedic. On this star-freckled scene you'll find snarky gods, defiant thieves, weary heroes, genial villains, and the blurry lines that claim to divide them.   More than anything else, though, it is filled with the stories of people, the tangled paths of their lives, and the tapestry they weave as they cross again and yet again.   There's also a preponderance of hot cocoa and red pandas.   So if that tickles your fancy, then step right in, because boy, have we got some stories for you.