Daervulen Bahrlethier Character in Hybrid | World Anvil
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Daervulen Bahrlethier

Daervulen Bahrlethier

Daervulen Bahrlethier is the current leader of the hybrid government. Born from the demons' hybrid soldier program and called dae v'uhl ('must stab'), he served under demonic command during the angel-demon war, leading several units of hybrids. After the war, he, along with all other hybrids, were thrown out.   He made a home for himself among the Letheir clan with whom he shared DNA and over the course of many decades was not only accepted into the clan, but later became their leader.   As the demonic oppression of the elves and angels grew, he collected other hybrids, along with his clan, and began a revolt against the demons. For one hundred and fifty years, they fought, his experience with demonic battle tactics garnering many victories until the demon government was completely overthrown.   After the success of the revolt, he won the fight among the hybrids for leadership and went on to assist in the formation of a representative government.   Over the last hundred years, he has been consolidating power as the luzhasvumekt, partly due to his military success and partly from active steps he has taken in bringing more and more of the government under his direct or indirect control. However, he does not wish to set himself as king, believing only that his method is the best hope for stability.  

Name Derivation

His original name under the demons was 'dae v'ulh, meaning 'must stab'. Hybrid soldier-slaves were given orders as names in order to dehumanize them and remind them of their servile status. After being thrown out, he settled with the elves and changed his name using the elven suffix '-inni' ('dae vulhinni'), meaning more or less 'result of stabbing' or 'result of battle'. As he said the name over and over, 'vulhiini' became 'vu'lin' then 'vulen'. 'Dae' was changed to 'daer' with repetition.   His last name is derived from two sources. The Lethier is his clan of origin and their leader is always given the title 'Bahlethier', meaning 'father of the Lethier' (female leaders use Sahlethier). When he became leader, he took that last name.   The 'r' in 'Bahrletheir' came from a combination of 'bahlether' and the demonic word for 'monster', 'b̧uř'. Demons pejoratively called him a monster due to being a hybrid. As the revolt progressed, the name took on a connotation of terror on the battlefield due to his fighting style and battle tactics. He found the insult amusing and incorporated it into his name, resulting in 'Bahrletheir', which can be translated as both 'monster' and 'father' of the Lethier clan.   His name overall translates to 'I must be the result of battle' or 'I am the victor, the father and monster of the Lethier clan'.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born dae v'uhl, Daervulen was created through the demons' use of elves, in his case those of the Lethier clan, as breeding stock to create expendable hybrids for use in their war against the angels. Growing up among the other hybrids, he learned to fight from the moment he could walk and through this time, made friends with ǎtsěftě u, later known as Neias, before being tested. His results, based on aptitude and combat ability, had him placed in the track for leadership among the hybrids where he learned not only advanced combat, but also military strategy. Once his education was complete, he was placed in charge of a hybrid unit, leading them in battle many times. Over the course of the war, his command expended to twelve such units, one of which included Neias.   During the final battle of the demonic-angelic war, he commanded a combined force of two hundred and captured several key strategic points on the battle field. From here, he unleashed his stealth corps, which confused the opponents and allies. However, the corps under him had secretly learned massively destructive magic and through the surprise that resulted, he was able to outflank the main angelic force, leading to a split. This allowed the demons to deal the final blow against their opponents and ultimately settle the conflict.   Despite his achievements, he and the other hybrids were thrown out of demon society after the war concluded, having been deemed useless during peacetime.   Daervulen traveled from town to town for the next decade before settling with the Lethier clan. While they were more open than other clans, they distrusted hybrids due to them fighting on the demonic side during the war. Elves had not been involved in the conflict, but had suffered heavily being caught in the crossfire. Along with this, demons has promised to assist them if they gave up members of their species for the breeding program. This had not happened and demons oppressed the weaker elves heavily.   Still, they allowed him inside due to his elven ancestry and he joined the clan's guard forces in order to make use of his military experience. From there, he began working to gain the trust and acceptance of the wider clan. He studied their traditions, language, and history, wanting also to learn about his own heritage as well. Along with this, he worked on community projects and assisted among the clan members over the next fifty years to ingratiate himself to them.   During this time, he rose among the ranks of the clan guard and eventually befriended the leader of the clan, known as the Bahlethier. Ranking accomplishments and this friendship led to him being accepted formally as a full member of the clan and the Bahlethier even chose him as one of several potential heirs.   Among the Letheir, the current leader would recommend those they thought would make good successors, but ultimately leadership would be decided through a contest of knowledge regarding history and tradition among the clan. Upon the Bahletheir's death, Daervulen and the other candidates participated in the test and he won, becoming leader of the Lethier two hundred years after being discarded by the demons.   During his time with the Lethier, he remained in contact with hybrids he had fought with or led during the war, discussing current events, their conditions (even bringing some lost hybrids into the Lethier clan), and lamenting the demonic oppression. It was through these letters that the first stirrings of revolt began. He wanted to make up for assisting the demons in their conquest even though the hybrids had never been given a choice or known any other life was possible.   Through his letters and other, more covert, communications, he recruited another elven clan, along with pockets of hybrid communities, to join him in revolution, totaling approximately one thousand people. With these troops, he began raiding demonic towns and military bases, looting and burning them in retaliation for the demons' crimes.   With each successful attack, more and more elven tribes and angels joined the growing rebel army and he used his experience in demonic strategy to continue winning. While not every battle ended in victory, he won far more than he lost, giving the army continued hope.   Three months into fighting, the rebels began occupying territory and in a year, had taken over one third of the former elven lands. Throughout these areas, they set up bases or repurposed demonic strongholds that Daervulen deemed important enough not to destroy. By year five, the army had grown to 200,000 and included a not insignificant number of pureblooded demons who rejected how their government and society were run.   As the revolt continued, he heard word that the demons had begun to refer to him as 'bur ralethier' meaning 'monster of the Lethier. He found this very funny and it ended up incorporated into his name and title of 'Bahlethier'. These were then combined into his current name 'bahrlethier'.   The final battle of the revolt came ten years after it began. Daervulen worked to bring more people into the cause, using the demons' arrogance to buy more time. This was used to work with the population, sending his troops to assist in deliveries, building projects, and other works when they had resources to spare. Once the demons fully acknowledged the threat posed by the rebels, they were already too late and, at year nine, were rapidly losing ground.   At the demonic capital, Daervulen surrounded the city and sent Neias' stealth troops inside to plant explosive magic. He then laid siege to the city, starving it of resources and destroying piece of the walls, although purposely never breaching them. He wanted the enemy feeling safe, but weakened. When the charges were finally set off, a massive hole was blasted through the wall, along with several buildings in the center of the city being destroyed. In the ensuing battle, he fought his way to the castle and, along with a few of his generals, killed the demonic military leadership. Daervulen himself dealt the final blow to their king.   When the dust settled, a new government had to be built. While representative styles were tossed out, leadership of reconstruction was deemed more efficient if managed by one person. This led to a fight among the high ranking hybrids for supremacy. Most of the revolutionaries backed Daervulen for leader, but there were just enough other hybrids, whether backed or standing alone, for a fight. He fought Neias during the brawl, but the latter threw the match, something they had not discussed, but Daervulen could tell, especially knowing his friend had little interest in politics. Once Neias was out, he went on to fight, and beat, the other candidates, solidifying his place at the top of the temporary government hierarchy.    After the conclusion of the hybrid fight, he directed and assisted in the construction of a representative government, then won the title of luzhasvumekt during the first election, which he continues to hold.    Over the next twenty years, hybrids who lost the leadership battle made some rumblings. The military, over 70% of whom had backed Daervulen for leader, gave him the title 'dajyrun' (high general) to show their support and intimidate opposition into backing down. While the title itself is unofficial (control of the military rests with the small council as a whole, which the luzhasvumekt in the head of), the effect was the same and caused a scare among the large council. They then presented Daervulen with a second title, 'nlemyurba', which directly and indirectly bestowed further powers onto his office while also being an unofficial acknowledgement of his leadership through the revolt.    Daervulen continued to gain power through the next centurie, partly through holding several government positions at once then consolidating them under the luzhasvumekt title and partly by taking responsibilities of small council members who stepped down (or were 'convinced' to step down).    While his authority has grown, he does not see himself as a king or hungry for power. Instead, he views his actions as necessary for the stability of the new nation. His increasing power is merely a byproduct of what is necessary to keep the country functioning. Or... perhaps he only says this because he knows the moment he attempts to formally install himself as king, the government may fall. Best to keep the illusion for representative government for now.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Luzhasvumekt - Official rank within the hybrid government, meaning 'first councilman'. This may also be said as 'luzha't' or 'lumeckt' without loss dignity or respect. Luroe ('first' in elvish) is likewise used.   Nlemyurba- literally meaning 'Light and Power', but more accurately translated as 'Guiding light, powerful one', an honorific granted to him by the council for his leadership in the rebellion and victory in the following leadership battle. Unofficial, but used among those in government as a sign of respect and deference   Dajryún- a combination of 'one' in demonic and 'strategy' in elvish, meaning 'one who makes the first plan', or 'first general' (also could be translated as 'lord commander') and denotes his status as ultimate head of the military despite the angels, demons, and elves retaining their own. Elven and angelic armed forces are personally loyal to him after the revolt and the demonic swear fealty to the most powerful. Bestowed upon him during a meeting of generals after the demons were defeated.
Currently Held Titles
dark red, shoulder blade length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
peach color, yellow undertone, slight tan


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