Saltmarsh Councilmember Rank/Title in Ghosts of Saltmarsh | World Anvil

Saltmarsh Councilmember

Appointment of Manistrad Copperlocks

The appointment of Manistrad Copperlocks shocked the Saltmarsh Town Council. Following the retirement of Erwin Krepp, a beloved fisherman and council member for several decades, several villagers started gathering support for their own council runs. Two weeks before the scheduled Petition of Appointment, Manistrad Copperlocks appeared before the Saltmarsh council with a royal decree from King Scotti appointing her to the town council, with Eliander Fireborn appointed as her council sponsor. Unable and unwilling to oppose a royal decree, Manistrad filled the open council seat, furthering the divide between the loyalists and traditionalists.


There are 5 members of the Saltmarsh council. Because members of the town council serve for 12 years, they must adequately prove they will represent the interests of the town. When a spot opens up, interested community members must find three business owners that are willing to petition on their behalf during the Positions of Support. They must also gain the sponsorship of a current council member. If an organization has an objection against the petitioning member, they are able to voice their concerns during the Positions of Grievances. After the council hears both positions, they close the session and have private deliberations. The current council members must come to a majority agreement and are not able to leave the meeting until an agreement is made. Usually this process takes a few hours, although once deliberations lasted 2 days.


Council members are expected to attend monthly public city meetings. These meetingsĀ  are centered around decisions regarding economic and community development, city-wide festivals, business support, dock taxes along the waterfront, and other emergency city matters.


Council members get a small annual stipend. Because they are responsible for directing economic and community development, they are able to prioritize development in a way that supports their interests. Villagers sometimes try to gain favor with council members and other them discounts and other perks to try and influence city decisions.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Council members can only be forcibly removed from their position through a the unanimous decision of the remaining council members, or through Royal Decree. As royal interference in lo cal matters usually generates distrust and riots, local issues are usually left to local decision-makers. Grounds for dismissal breaking national law and grievous crimes against the city of city members.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Council member
Length of Term
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