Joining the Parivaar Tradition / Ritual in Ghosts of Saltmarsh | World Anvil

Joining the Parivaar

To join a parivaar is to embrace a new family, a new way of life, and a new code of living. Once someone joins a parivaar they are a member until death. Those that violate the codes of the parivaar risk being ostracized. Most are never heard from again.   One cannot choose to join a parivaar, they must be invited. To be approached by a member of the parivaar for consideration, a potential candidate must first get their attention. This is done by violating the law in some way. Most candidates connect with a member of the parivaar while in prison. Some catch a parivaars eye through a string of successful pickpocketing attempts, intimidating a member of the town guard, or successfully completing a minor robbery in the area.   After the First Sangraam parivaar pujan agreed to share the list of their potential new recruits with each other. This provided an extra security measure against new faces, and allowed parivaars to prune off members they found particularly volatile.   Initiates are put through a series of tasks to test their aptitudes for the three different branches within the parivaar: Shakti, Haraas, Daan. Once a specific strength is identified, they are assigned a mentor within their branch. The mentor will be responsible for honing their skill sets but is also responsible for monitoring the new recruits movements and reporting any signs of disloyalty to the Kijan.   Once they have been assigned a branch but before they receive a mentor, they are taken before the Pujan and made to swear blood oath of loyalty. They receive their first rank tattoo- a simple repeating triangular pattern with more elaborate bands representing rank and status as the members progress through the guild.
Parivaar - family; term for the individual groups.
Pujan - leader of a parivaar
Kijan - primary assistant to the parivaar
Sahaayak - closest assistant or deputy. A trusted advisor to the Pujan.
Shakti - working members responsible for providing security for the parivaar
Haraas- working members responsible for collecting extortions
Naal - internal informants that report directly to the Pujan
Daan - manage heists and other thefts
Parvi- refugee camp leaders from shoftly after the second age
Ilaaka - area controlled by a specific parivaar
Sangraam - a grudge or honor struggle usually between two parivaar.


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Aug 3, 2021 16:23 by Chris L

Got to your article as I'm reading all of them. Nice to see how it turned out after helping you write it on stream!

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