Entropy Character in Geloriel | World Anvil
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Written by starzomskiwrites


Physical Description

Body Features

Entropy is subject to albinism, a side effect of his resurrection at the hands of the eldritch mind of Tharizdun. His skin and hair were turned stark white, and his eyes became a deep, piercing red. His general physique is rather slim due to his years of malnourishment and poverty. Their left horn was broken off during the fight, and was capped off with a gold cap after the fact. He wears common clothes, a long trenchcoat, knee-high leather boots, and has bandages wrapped around his arms.

Facial Features

His face is decently damaged, as it never quite healed right after the fight. He is missing one or two teeth, and he has scars all over his face from cuts and other wounds opened up during that conflict.

Special abilities

Entropy has the ability to tap into a fraction of Tharizdun's power and use it as his own, due to the nature of his resurrection. This ability is what allows them to induce madness in others, as well as to cast incredible spells.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Entropy was born in Kurn Darum to human parents. His mother had dealings with demons during her pregnancy, leaving a demonic mark on her son. His parents were fearful of the reputation their son would bring, so they abandoned him. In the city, he grew up homeless and impoverished, slowly becoming vengeful about his experience. Eventually, during his teenage years, he was taken to the lower layers of the city and beaten to death by a gang of thugs. When he died, however, he was inexplicably touched by the mad god Tharizdun. He had a vision from the god, who told him he would receive all the power he wished for if he aided in Tharizdun's unsealing. He agreed, and reawoke moments later with no pigment in his skin or hair, and with tattoos of eldritch script branded across his arms. He was handily able to dispatch of the thugs that killed him, and soon returned to the upper levels of Kurn Darum. He began to spread the mad god's eldritch whispers across Kurn Darum through dreams and whispers, driving many insane, but leading some to seek him out. Now, he leads a cult known as the Bringers of the End, a group who aims to unseal Tharizdun from his prison.

Personality Characteristics


Entropy's motivation is that of vengeance. He wishes to free the mad god Tharizdun to make good on his promise and fulfil the means of his resurrection, as well as get vengeance on the city that brought him nothing but pain for his entire life.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Deep, piercing red. No pupils.
Pale white, shoulder-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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