Timo Character in Freesia | World Anvil


Timo is the youngest of the 7 Godlings. When he was still allowed to play on his parents' Earth he developed a deep fascination with amphibians, particularly the newt. Their ability to inhabit both land and water, their incredible regenerative powers and the fact they are super cute, all led to him spending most of his days sloshing around the wetlands of Earth. His other love was listening to his parents tell tales of the Titan-God wars, thus his sloshing was often accompanied by wild imaginings of great battles and resplendent armies.

Divine Domains

The wetlands and temperate forests of Eft

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Being the youngest of the Godlings Timo was quite simple, and a little selfish, in his plans for his species. He wanted an army of newts that could march into glorious battle. However, although young, Timo was still a divine being and thus knew that it wouldn't be quite that simple. He Made an amphibious race combining humans and all the things he loved about newts. Under his guidance they formed an ordered civilisation and became warriors and tacticians of great skill. 

Now that he has had to relinquish his charges to their own devices he hopes they can do him proud and bring all the races of Freesia under one rule. They can then all be converted to the worship of Timo and he will become the one true God of Freesia.

Divine Classification

Morality & Philosophy

Timo is very much driven by his own wants and desires, though not cruel in his pursuit of them.  


Driven by a fierce desire to prove to his parents that, even though he is the youngest, he is ready to become a true God. Coming a close second to this is his desire to best his oldest brother, who keeps telling him he's not good enough.


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