Living Crystal Material in Freesia | World Anvil

Living Crystal

During the creation of Freesia the Godlings parents decided to throw a little something extra into the mix. The effect however, was far from little,  you can never predict with 100% accuracy how the Making process will turn out. In this instance the effect was a massive network of living crystalline mineral which formed deep within the earth. This mineral gives off a background radiation which permeates throughout the atmosphere and impacts all sapient life on Freesia. During geological events the mineral can be pushed towards the surface and when it encounters open space grows into living crystal formations. It is these formations we shall address today.


Material Characteristics

The living crystal encountered on the surface, or in caves under the earths surface, forms clusters of long, hollow, hexagonal tubes. The walls of the tubes are thick and clear with only a small hollow section running down the middle.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Beautiful, smooth and almost delicate looking, the crystals are nevertheless incredibly hard and seemingly impervious to damage. All attempts at mining them have so far failed.

Geology & Geography

The "roots" of the crystal form a lattice network deep within the lower mantle surrounding the earths outer core. Formations push through the rock and grow in many subterranean caves throughout Freesia. The only known places it can be found breaching the surface is in Tuuva Mot and  The rent.

Origin & Source


Life & Expiration

The crystal formations, which grow upon contact with open space, lose their energy after a time. When this happens the crystal begins to turn opaque and brittle and eventually cracks and falls away. It takes hundreds of years for a formed crystal to begin lose its' energy, but only a matter of weeks for it to become inert once the process starts.

History & Usage


The crystals are perceived differently by each race, to some they are a conduit to their God, to others a beautiful oddity and there are those who merely consider them an annoyance.


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