Dream Couch
by hughpierre
Mechanics & Inner Workings
Army Control
Through means of the Red Fringes tied around the sapa and common soldiers' heads, the supreme commander is able to efficiently direct troop movements from thousands of leagues away.It is a tool of war, however, many generals discourage this usage. They argue the dissuading effect it can have on the troops not seeing their commander; and for the thought that they receive orders while under harsh conditions from a leader reclining in comfort far away.This fear inspired the creation of the Cardinal Generals of the North, East, West and South. For the common solder now had a single point they could see direct their confidence.
Manufacturing process
The throne was originally made from ever scare wood in a low recline construction. Later rulers loaded the seat with feather pillows to make laying out more comfortable. Similarly, short stone pillars prop fluffy cushions to act as armrests and a decorative stone slab stands tall at the back to better adjust for siting upright. It is finally layered with a fine woolen blanket woven so tightly it has the feel of silk over the whole of the chair.
Behind the Golden Throne
Normal court is not held from the dream couch. It is hidden in a specialized room behind the official seating of the Innoit Qhapaq's golden throne. This is because it is considered to be greatly disrespectful for the sapa to accept an offical while reclined on his pillows. On the other hand, being invited to attend to him while he is reclined conveys great trust and confidence.
Alternate Names
Cloud Couch
Cloud Couch
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization
Only one in the World
Raw materials & Components
- Unknown Metal
- Rare Woods
- Feather Pillows
- Gold
- Granite
- Wool
I love how this article is about a couch. Definitely unique