Thelise || Petrichor Character in Evermore | World Anvil

Thelise || Petrichor

Name: Thelise Race: Yesharian Tiefling Age: Middle Aged Height 5'11" Build: slender, sharp facial features Class: Storm Sorcerer Languages: Common, Primordial, Orcish, Elvish, Infernal, Yesharian God: The Great Devourer Male tiefling dressed in layers of robes, androgynous features. Contoured porcelain plate running from the corners and border of his bottom lip [inferior portion of the commissure of lips] that wraps to where his chin would be [just inferior to the mental protuberance and mandibular body]. A grey blue complexion with black slicked back hair. (Attempts to) Speak with a French accent. A black onyx bracer surrounds his neck.   Personality: Pansexual. A flirt. Has Realized his destiny. A sadist.


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