Talion Oakenfield || The Order Character in Evermore | World Anvil

Talion Oakenfield || The Order

Talion Oakenfield Human Aasimar --- ...is a human Aasimar Paladin, and member of the Order. He has known Dirk and Zirael for 15 years.   Summary Leader of an army from a distant land, Talion was weary of a recently hired counselor to the king . After questioning some of the suggestions by the new red haired woman, Talion is charged with treason after years of service. He escaped and killed his to-be executioners, only to return back to his home torched and his family with it. After burying his family with his bare hands, he swore an oath on the the freshly dug graves to kill the red hair witch and all of its kind. Powerless and alone, Talion sought the guild of the Order for aid on how to hunt witches and monsters. Appearance Tall, brawny, with long dirty blond hair and a perpetual week-old short beard.   Personality Still troubled by the events of 15 years, he is on a quest of vengeance for the ones responsible for his betrayal and murdered family and those of their kind. He firmly believes the only way to face evil is with his sword/shield and that there is no room for mercy for the wicked. The fastest way to find them is to join the Order.     Like his father before him, he is a military man, logical, poised, and efficient. He has also turned a blind eye to all the excessive drinking and whoring, or even the cruel methods of extraction his colleagues have chosen to partake upon, as long as the job gets done. He finds unnecessary involvement troublesome and often wonders to himself, how he puts up to his friends shenanigans...for the past 15 years.   His bond to his ragtag motley team he calls friends are the few things that snap him out of his long pensive thoughts of his loss. He wonders how long he will have to wait to see his family again.   Background Leader of an army from a distant land, Talion disobeyed orders to stand down as citizens of his country were being slaughtered by fiends and monsters outside the castle keep. as a result, the red haired counselor, Morgan, charged Talion with treason and sentenced him to execution. After escaping and killing his to-be-executioners, Talion returns to find his home torched and his family murdered. After burying his family with his bare hands, Talion vows vengeance against the red hair witch.   Powerless and alone, Talion sought The Order to learn how to hunt witches, fiends, and monsters. There, he spent 15 years in what he thinks is indentured servitude until he is elevated to the rank of Acolyte.   After reaching the Tower in the city of Lisbon, he completed the ritual the ritual for the ancient organization.   Oath to the Order “On the graves of my wife and son, I swear to kill the evil witch and any of her evil kind that crosses my path.”   With the blessings of The Order, Talion is briefly reunited with the phantasm images of his family, who imbue him with radiant energies and wings.


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