Asher Tuttle / Beaumont || Legends of Evermore Character in Evermore | World Anvil

Asher Tuttle / Beaumont || Legends of Evermore

Asher Tuttle/Beaumont Human Eldritch Knight / Bladesinger Background Asher was raised as a pseudo-adopted child of the Beaumont family- a wealthy family in the Western Kingdom. He and his mother were allowed to stay with the family due to a debt owed to Asher’s father. He never met his father and believed he had died before he was born. When he reached early adulthood (late teens/early 20’s), Asher discovered a journal left for him by his father (spellbook). The journal was written in a coded language with a forward addressed to Asher promising guidance, power, and answers to his questions. He confronted his family about the information he learned from the journal and they revealed that they actually don’t know whether his father is alive or dead only that he disappeared without a trace shortly before Asher was born and nobody has heard from him since. Asher’s family strongly discouraged him from pursuing information about the journal and his father’s whereabouts as they believe it is too dangerous. Asher disregarded his family’s concerns and left his home to pursue answers by unlocking the secrets of his father’s journal. Asher joined The Order because he believed membership would provide access to the resources he needs to decipher the journal and find his answers.   Growing up in the Western Kingdom: Asher was able to forgo Draxus’ mandatory military service for first born sons as he was passed off as just another child of the Beaumont family Due to the subjugation of magic users in his homeland, Asher holds a deep seated grudge against Draxus and his regime. He assumed that anti-magic policies played a role in the disappearance of his father.   Last name: Asher switches between using his mother’s maiden name ( Tuttle) and his adoptive family’s last name (Beaumont) to whichever he feels is most advantageous in his current situation.   Info Asher knows about his father: Also named Ashur Alternis and co. witnessed his death Connection to Fort Thorn (commander/magistrate) (guardian of the northern prison) William’s captain in the Crimson army William was there when he was murdered (Inferred Ashur was caught?) William admitted to betraying Ashur by giving away his position - “He knew he’d pay for giving the sword to Velkyn” Used to wield the bane of Yeshari (wooden sword) Galyon surrendered the sword because he had sworn to Member of the Order with Galyon - who claims he was sent on a suicide mission by the organization Nedry- “The Order fucked over your father” Vision from bonding with the sword: 7 drow one drider standing over Asher’s father held captive (wears an Order bracer) Ashur hanging from a tree A smiling drow with 2 swords that shine in the darkness (Velkyn ) Some link between Deku and his father as the assassin found his face familiar Alizabeth Trask sent Velkyn to “collect” Ashur (offered to trade Asher his father’s armor for his wooden sword)   OOC knowledge: Paladin PC character in 1996 (drow wars) driven to bring honor to his home and atone for his father’s legacy as a fallen knight Bloodline is connected to both the serpentine road and the wooden sword   Appearance Asher is fastidious in his appearance - well kept with slicked back hair, and always as clean and put together as his current situation will allow - often using arcane means to keep himself clean and his equipment in good repair. His tastes in clothing/gear reflecting the higher end tastes of the noble house he grew up in. After being aged by the Devourer stature he now has streaks of grey in his hair starting at his temples. Arcane symbols and script scrawl up his right arm - when he casts the corresponding symbols tend to shift or glow according to the spell. Personality Asher’s demeanor reflects much of his noble upbringing including the education that came with it. He has many shortcomings some related to his affluent upbringing. He can be brash/arrogant/vain and typically believes that he is always the one best suited for a task. He doesn't like to get dirty or needlessly put himself in danger and won’t be caught dead in unsuitable accommodations (or at least he’ll complain loudly about it). However Asher has an innate thirst for knowledge that can convince him to forgo his own comfort and better judgment when presented with the chance to uncover sources of knowledge or power. Update: Asher’s personality has begun to dynamically shift after the loss of the group’s druid, Thrn’k, becoming keenly aware that he has very little control over the world around him.   After the Devourer statue incident Asher now has this image burned into his mind:   Souls to sunder… Souls to burn… Souls for the devourer Since then he has started taking up drinking as a frequent “hobby” Oath to the Order: *Presented father's journal/spell-book, sword, and the magic glove "Spark"* "I vow to search out hidden knowledge both within this book and beyond to bend it to my will through steel and flame"   Father's journal was absorbed during Order initiation and all the information was stored in Asher's mind allowing him to cast without components and learn new spells that are cast by enemies he encounters by mentally training with his father. Now has a right arm tattoo sleeve of cryptic script and arcane symbols


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