"Ivren Greystone" Murderhobos Inc. || Ivren Document in Evermore | World Anvil

"Ivren Greystone" Murderhobos Inc. || Ivren

Your Majesty, As ordered, here is the correspondence between one Ivren Greystone, leader of Commander Fanghorn’s assassination squad, and one Liliana, administrative assistant in the capital city. Many letters were exchanged between the two. They were thorough, but not thorough enough. The following is a transcription of what we were able to salvage.   Liliana, first year of Greystone’s service, winter   I don’t like it. I understand it, but I don’t like it. It’s bad enough that you have to stand by and let that beast {referring to Commander Fanghorn} kill innocents, but now you’re leaping at the chance to join him? You call it reconnaissance, I call it serving them up on a silver platter. I’m not stupid, you know. I’ve read the reports. You’ve done your fair share of killing. And for what? To get on that mannequin {referring to His Majesty}’s good side? What will you do when you get on the wrong mage’s bad side? You’re looking out for your friend, I know, but don’t forget about yourself. You’re a good man, Ivren. Not a spy. Not a killer. But will that still hold true in a year? In two?   Greystone, second year of Greystone’s service, spring   Lying was never my strong suit. You were right from the start. We’re a fucking assassination squad. I know you hate it. I do too. But no matter how much I hate it, this is something I have to do. I’m not like you or Krauk {referring to Commander Fanghorn}. I can’t lift a mountain of an axe in a single hand. I can’t shoot an arrow at a distant target and have more than the tiniest hope of hitting it. And I’m definitely not suited for the arcane. I was a scout. I knew of the forest, of tracking, of hunting. But in the grand scheme of things, in the face of what Draxus {referring to His Majesty} is trying to prevent, such knowledge is pointless. I could care less about Draxus, about the Yeshari. What I do care about is being able to do something to help my friends. This is something I’ve thought about since the day I left Goodwill. Wars are not limited to forests. A conflict of this magnitude doesn’t need a scout. It needs a something else. Anything that lives will eventually die. Being a member of this assassination squad will teach me to hasten that process. Alcorin {original squad leader, deceased} has decided to take me on as her pupil. She’s teaching me how to move with the shadows, swiftly and silently[Stealth].She insists that I learn from the others as well. Niezgoda {original spymaster, deceased} is showing me the inner mechanisms of deceit and trickery[Deception, Persuasion, Insight]. Thousand {conscripted criminal, deceased} has made a game out of the whole thing. He won’t stop hiding needles in my bedroll until I manage to steal his coin without him noticing. I still haven’t managed to, and now I check my bedroll three times every night before sleeping [Sleight of Hand, Perception]. Salehyan {conscripted monk, deceased}, on the other hand, is a breath of fresh air. With him, it’s simple exercises. Runs through forests, on the ground or through the branches. Sometimes with weights, sometimes without [Athletics, Acrobatics]. But I have the most trouble with Illean’s {conscripted wizard, deceased} lessons. Solving puzzles and learning languages… these kinds of exercises just aren't a good fit for me[Investigation, two languages of choice]. That was always Xen’s field of expertise. And no, I don’t kill innocent people. The others do so without hesitation. I use what they’ve taught me to see if I can prevent that. I watch my body language. I ask questions. I determine innocence with my own eyes, ears, and mind. I owe you that much.   Liliana, third year of Greystone’s service, fall   You sought an audience with Draxus{referring to His Majesty}? You daft idiot, what did you go and do that for? You were supposed to keep a low profile, remember? Save the innocent under the guise of subservience and all that pithy bullshite you spouted to me. What happened to that?   Greystone, third year of Greystone’s service, fall   I asked him to teach me. I can’t stop Krauk{referring to Commander Fanghorn} anymore. Without Alcorin {original squad leader, deceased} around to push the issue, the others have started to lose interest in teaching me, even Illean {conscripted mage, deceased}. I’ve learned all I can from them anyway. The only people more knowledgeable about death than a squad of skilled assassins… are the Yeshari.   Liliana, third year of Greystone’s service, winter   I heard that the mannequin {referring to His Majesty} refused. Called it!   Greystone, fourth year of Greystone’s service, winter   We lost Salehyan {conscripted monk, deceased} in the last purge. His killer was the mage I told you about, the one whose family I was trying to smuggle out of the city. Raved about how I was a liar. How I gave him a glimpse of hope only to smother it for fun. Krauk got to them before I did. The mage came looking for revenge. ...he took the bastard’s magic in my place, Liliana. I should be dead. That flaming bolt was fast. Before I knew it, it was right in front of me. I could feel its heat on my face. But Salehyan was faster. And he died for it. I captured the mage. I had to. For Salehyan. And Krauk {referring to Commander Fanghorn}. He knew about my small acts of mercy. Let them slide most of the time too. But he couldn’t turn a blind eye to such outright rebellion. I look at the other members of the squad now and realize how tired I am. I see Anokar {second spymaster} coaching Zielen {volunteer, former infantryman, 3rd regiment, missing in action} on interrogation techniques by the fire. Horvath {conscripted cleric, deceased} is making sure the prisoner will survive the next round of interrogation. Llewellyn {conscripted paladin, deceased} is saying a prayer for the man. Utahna {volunteer, former refugee, deceased} is examining her bedroll. She still hasn’t found the needles I stuck into the bottom. Thousand {conscripted criminal, deceased} always used to say that those in our line of work didn’t last long. With the speed of an arrow, the entire squad has been replaced. Or at least, it will have been once I decide on the recruit that will round out our number. Salehyan’s death means that leadership falls to me.   Gods give me the strength to bear it.   Liliana, fifth year of Greystone’s service, summer   I asked a boon of the king {referring to His Majesty}, and he saw fit to grant it.   Come home to me.   Greystone, sixth year of Greystone’s service, spring   My love. This cycle of seasons has barely begun, yet we’ve already saved so many. The squad is a well-oiled automaton. Even the newest recruit can pacify an unruly mage with ease. I claim the credit for that, but Reshke {second spymaster, active} glares at me whenever I do. Krauk {referring to Commander Fanghorn} is becoming easier to manage, but I know that’s only because he allows it. Compared to our adventuring days, I feel we’ve come to get along a lot better than before. He only ever grunts or roars these days, seeing fit to act rather than communicate, but I understand what he means. Most of the time, anyway. Ah! I almost forgot. The names. How about Salehyan if it’s a boy? And if it’s a girl, Suvia?   Liliana, sixth year of Greystone’s service, spring   Suvia... I quite like it. That was Alcorin{original squad leader, deceased}’s given name, if I’m not mistaken. And no, not Salehyan{conscripted monk, deceased}. I know what he meant to you, I understand you wouldn’t be here if not for him, but we already agreed on my father’s name. What’s wrong with Lucore Alisasis Rezaeian!   Greystone, sixth year of Greystone’s service, spring   Nothing. Nothing at all.   Greystone, seventh year of Greystone’s service, fall   I’m sure you already know about this. You seem to know about everything before I do, but Draxus {referring to His Majesty} has finally reconsidered my request. He knows of my shortcomings, my lack of magical or mystical talent. However, he has agreed to fill in the gaps of my studies about death. Yes, I’m sugarcoating it. He’s going to help me become a more effective killer. But it’s more than that. He’ll teach me the ways of the Yeshari. The ways of his people. He’ll help me understand death in a ‘more personal, more intimate way.’ His words, not mine. I’ll be in the capital city while he teaches me. I should arrive before you get this. I’ll read it to you and Suvia in person.   Greystone, eighth year of Greystone’s service, fall   Krauk {referring to Commander Fanghorn} launched the assault early. He didn’t even wait for us to survey the enemy forces or assess their defenses. Our post-battle inspection revealed that there were no militants or rebels in the town. If any of the townsfolk were mage-sympathizers, there’s no longer any way for us to ascertain that. He followed Draxus{referring to His Majesty}’s directives to the letter. The town was purged to the last man. I saw him near the end. He was holding a child hostage, urging the survivors to come out of hiding. They did. And I watched as he slit the child’s throat in front of them. Then he personally killed them one by one. I don’t understand, Liliana. He’s changed, and I don’t know what caused it.   Liliana, ninth year of Greystone’s service, winter   Don’t spout any more lies. Where did you get the mask? Did Draxus {referring to His Majesty} give it to you? Was that a part of his teachings? I’m not an expert on the Yeshari, but even I know their masks are a bad omen. Tell me the truth. Please. I deserve that much at least.   Greystone, tenth year of Greystone’s service, winter   I’ve received orders to report back to the capital city along with Commander Fanghorn. The others were recalled as well. They’ve accomplished much more than I have. I’ll be stopping by to see Suvia and Salehyan.     This concludes the recovered correspondence between Greystone and Liliana.   Reshke Anokar   Follow-up discourse: You did not grant him the mask the she-elf spoke of. Who did? Does it give the standard abilities to its wearer? Or does its effects remain a mystery to even you?


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