"A New Dawn" MurderHobos inc. || Alternis Document in Evermore | World Anvil

"A New Dawn" MurderHobos inc. || Alternis

The sun was high in the air as the troop transport vessel pulled into the harbor. The sounds of orcish grunts and leers filled the air as as the legion of southern orcs disembarked. Goblins and men moved to and fro, unloading cargo and arms from the south. A giant taskmaster met them on the docks, a grizzled veteran, his skin covered in scars and burns. The orcs quickly fell in line in the presence of their senior, and marched off into the Capitol city. In stark contrast to all the behemoths lumbering out a man slipped out behind them, leaping off the ship and onto the dock with acrobatic grace. He took a deep breath and sighed happily. “It has been too long since I've graced this city with my presence.” He muttered to himself. He stretched out his legs, a vain attempt at re-acclimating himself to the solid ground after the long trip from the South. He was adorned in mostly travelers garb, except for a a large cloth bound item strapped to his back. The skin that was showing was tanned from the months spent in the southern swamps. From his satchel he pulled out a map, trying to orient himself. The Capitol city was huge, and although he had orders to immediately report to the king upon his return, he had a task to attend to before that. Mentally marking his path, he put away the map and set off from the port towards Dustmaker district. He moved nimbly through the throng of sailors and merchants, most not paying heed to such an innocuous traveler. He was in no real rush, absorbing the views of the magnificent city. His first time here was a blur, a mix of diplomacy and fleeing the fist of fate. Repairs had been made, no lasting signs of the battles fought here not so long ago. After an hour or so of walking he found himself just outside of Dagon alley. The smell was just as bad as the first time he was here. Refuse was strewn all about, and from the corners of your eyes he could catch glimpses of movement, all wretches and poor confined to their fate. The scars of the Herald's onslaught still remained here. “Something must be done” he thought to himself, no one deserved to live like this in the greatest city in Evermore. Turning away lest he be relieved of what little money he carried, he headed out, and eventually made his way to his destination. Standing out side the quaint shop, he felt the slight nit of nostalgia, another place tied intrinsically to his current fate. He crossed the threshold, entering into a modest shop, full of arms and oddities. He rang the bell on the counter, and waited impatiently for the proprietor of the shop to get his happy ass down here... “Oi, hold your horses. This isn't some brothel, have some patience or have yourself back out that door.” Barked the store keep. “Now what can I be helping you with....” Pip looks up, and almost jumps out of his robes seeing Alternis towering over him. “Hello Alternis, to what do I owe this pleasure of your presence here? Alternis reaches to his back, all pulls out the bundle on his back. He unwraps his maul and lays it on the counter. “You can skip the pleasantries. I know you must still be a little... irked about the last time I was here. I'm not here to cause a ruckus, I just need to know what this is. The runes on the head I can almost read, but the words on the bindings are all but alien to me, and I can find no way to remove them.” Pip looks Alternis and then the weapon up and down. Hmm, a very odd thing this is. Hold one moment He reaches under the desk and pulls out a tome and an amulet. Flipping through the book and looking back and forth to the maul he looks disappointed. He mutters a small curse, and the amulet responds, it's compass like point bouncing between the two of them and the maul. “Pay no attention to that.” he says not looking up from the tomes. “I can't make heads or tails of any of this writing. Where again did you say you got this from?” “I didn't, but I picked it up from some peddler in Yeshai a ways back” Pip looks up at Alternis. “Well that explains that. I lack the tomes or knowledge to decipher these writings, you know with the purge and all... you best be asking someone with knowledge from before then, seeing as this seems to be from those times.” He puts the tome away and reaches for the amulet “Wait. What is that?” Alternis inquires to the dwarf. “This? Or just some curiosity that's been in the family for a while. Nothing of much worth.”He retorts back. “Oh?” Alternis looks towards Pip, his curiosity piqued. “It seemed to be more than some curiosity, it actually seems like its something that could be of some use for me. How much?” “Oh its not for sale, its just some child's toy really....” Pip mutters, not looking Alternis in the eyes. Alternis slams down a small coin purse on the counter and sends Pip an intimidating glare. “How about this. I'll trade you some coin for it, and as a bonus I won't let my higher ups know you still have such curiosities... in stock. I know some in the guard would love to get a hold of such things...” Slightly cowering before recomposing himself. “Fine fine.” He sighs. “Take it and leave unless you have some other business here. But the price is twice what's in that bag. I'm a very busy dwarf.” Alternis pulls a note out of his pocket and hands it to Pip. Lowering his voice.”I know you still have connections with the scattered clan. I'm looking for one who can work with these materials and am willing to pay well. This is a personal matter, not one of my official station. They will be compensated in coin well, as well as in other privileges. Despite what my current position may be, I'm still a friend to your people. I wish for their deaths as much a I wish for my own. I've seen far too many genocides to desire to see another race fall under the hammer.” He flips Pip an electrum piece and a small red gem. “This for your man when you find him so I know who he is, the coin is for you. I trust you can fulfill this task for me?” Pip looks at the coin then Alternis, taking a small bite of it to test it's authenticity. “Hmmm, so you aim to be a friend of the clan? Ill send this along on accounting of you being a close friend of Garand. No guarantees I can find one who can do what you ask, but Ill see what I can do.” He looks Alternis up and down again. “And should you betray this trust, you'll fall just as hard as we will.” A stern glare coming from the youthful dwarf's face. “Oh I know Pip, thank you. I'll be stationed in the barracks for now, send me a message there and I'll be able to get in communication with you.” “Ha, I've got one even better.” Beamed Pip. He begins a small chant and the amulet lights up, an image of him popping out of it like the watches. “This works the same as the watches, just use the words and it'll respond to you. Now be off, I have many things I need to do other than prattle on with a young half elf.” Holding out his hand for the rest of the payment. Alternis pulls out another sack and drops it on the counter. He then bows and heads out of the shop. Re securing his maul and his purse, Alternis pulls out his map to reorient himself. I guess I better be on my way then, don't want to keep the old coot waiting too much longer. Even though time probably doesn't mean as much to him as it does to us. Hesitating for a moment he steels his resolve. Draxus might be a monster, but Rhexus and what he was trying to do made him pale in comparison. Sacrifices had to be made, and if was to truly avenge all those who had fallen he had to walk down this path. The bigger evil, the bigger threat had to be dealt with first. Looking at his hands, he saw the rivers of blood that he must spill to make that happen. Could he do it? Could he become what was needed to stem the tide of chaos on the horizon? Krauk, he knew, had no problem with going down that path. But could he really do it? Could he stem the tide of killing but also remain loyal to the King long enough to attain his goal? Pushing his doubts aside he put his map away and redoubled his pace. They would all be avenged, and if he had to become a monster to do it then so be it. There was no happy ending for him, for any of them really. This new life he led was just a farce, his past never forgotten but just waiting in the eaves for him. He knew what he must do, and it would be bloody.


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