Shroud of Silence Geographic Location in Ethrosa | World Anvil

Shroud of Silence

You think Old Wizards Eye is spooky? Wait until you hear about the Shroud of Silence- you know the area to the east that is shrouded-- hehe get it-- in an eerie fog? Well there are many different legends or myths around it, but I am here to tell you the main one that is most likely to be true. It is the story of the Shadow People.   Adventurers like to head to the Shroud of Silence Castle as it is rumored to have unusual and interesting treasures inside and the general curiosity of the unknown beyond the castle.   Walking towards the Shroud of Silence you hear a slight ringing in your ears almost seems like a scream but it is too soft. As you walk through the marshy ground a moist warmth crawls up your legs while the darkened fog trickles coolness down towards your stomach. There at your stomach a war is happening cool and warm competing to gain control over the other.
by Ghena Kruk
  At that point of war the darkness above seems to morph and take shape into a person, a shadow person. Shadow People provide conversation, whether you want to or not, along the journey to the castle or beyond into the unknown. The conversations seem to be helpful, friendly, and thought provoking, but there is something else going on. They lure the person farther into the fog towards the castle. Still continuing to talk to them still in that friendly informative manner. All the while the Shadow People are sucking the person's life force out of the person and into themselves. Depending on the person, they may notice a slight difference right off or it may be too late when they realize what is happening. It the entire life force is consumed by the Shadow People then they become more solid, stronger, and seem to have an element of armor attached to them. Depending on how much life was taken and how long the person has been there, they too will become a Shadow People.
— conversation between young adults


It is not known how large the area is or if the entire area is a wetland, but this will cover the places that are known. The temperature outside of the castle grounds stay around 76 degrees year-round and within the castle grounds changes between warm and cool. Looking out you can see pops of color and patches of green and brown swaying gently in the wind against a foggy backdrop

Flora and Fauna


Flora is in an abundance . It is underwater, floating on top of the water, and shrubs and trees grow in the patches of dirt. Crinell also grows in patches throughout the wetlands.


Snapping turtle, frog, bullywug, bodak, black dragon, snake, oblex, crocodile, flail snail, lizard, spider, madcap, redcap, meenlock, rot and venom trolls, shambling mound, stirge, vegepygmy, fish, insects, and other friendly and not so friendly creatures.

Cover image: by DMmyali via Canva


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