Demonic Amulet of Banebdjedet Item in Esselon AC | World Anvil

Demonic Amulet of Banebdjedet

Several Millennia ago the Demon Prince Banebdjedet, terrified that his existence would one day come to an end, forged an amulet. Into this amulet he imbued a fraction of his essence. If he were to be destroyed by a Devil during the great infernal war, or even by a back stabbing demon, he would be able to reconstitute himself from the essence of the amulet. This amulet, while the key to his immortality, also carried a significant drawback. If a being of sufficient knowledge and power were to possess his amulet, they may be able to bend Banebdjedet's will to their own, casting him into servitude to the lesser being. This could not be allowed so, Bane traveled to the mortal plane and carved into a mountain a tomb of unimaginable danger and cunning to hide the amulet from all but himself. Believing he was the only being with the knowledge of the amulet and where it was housed, Bane felt safe and returned to the infernal planes to plot his conquest. But Bane was not the only one who knew of the amulet. A forge demon, Halbrax, witnessed it's creation from the shadows, while his master toiled away. After the creation of the amulet the forge demon followed Bane to the mortal plane and learned of it's resting place. Halbrax attempted to enter the Tomb and take the prize for himself however, the safeguards proved too much for this lowly demon. Centuries passed and still Halbrax lusted after the amulet. But after a final trip into the Tomb of Bane nearly ended his existence Halbrax realized he needed help. Actually Halbrax thought, "I need pawns". So Halbrax went about recruiting a group of mortals to "combat the forces of the infernal". Utilizing magic and deceit he disguised himself as a religious elder who took his new recruits and crafted the order of The Holdsmen. He trained them to combat infernal forces and encouraged them to learn all they could about these forces. After all, these mortal insects could not possibly fathom the depths of Halbrax's plans, nor would they ever be a threat to him or Demon kind. This thinking would prove to be his eventual undoing. Once the Holdsmen were sufficient in number, Halbrax directed them to retrieve the amulet, which they did, at great cost in lives. Once the amulet was brought back to the Holdsman's base of operations, and Halbrax demanded it, the Holdsmen turned on him, gravely injuring the demon and imprisoning him. The Holdsmen then set about building a castle stronghold and dubbed it Akermouth Hold. There they buried the amulet under stone, brick and steel. They sealed it away from the world and kept its existence a secret from all. Now, all these thousands of years later, the Hold has forgotten it's purpose. Mortals still come to the hold to train to repel some unknown invasion, but they may be ill prepared if Banebdjedet comes to reclaim his prize.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
8 oz
Raw materials & Components
Forged of Demon Steel, smelted in the infernal realms.


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