The Botanical Gardens of King Hardor Geographic Location in Erziyye | World Anvil
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The Botanical Gardens of King Hardor

The Botanical Gardens of King Hardor, also known as Hardor's Gardens or Hardor's Paradise, is an expansive botanical park located in the capital of Ra-Intal. It is known for being an incredibly ambitious project with an aspiration to feature plants for every corner of Erziyye, and already claims to house specimens from all the continents and from over 30 countries.   The Gardens are an attempt to recreate all of Erziyye in miniature, on the botanical level. This is quite the grand project, particularly on account of the challenges inherent in trying to provide reasonable living environments for plants from all kinds of climates and biomes in the same place. As a result, the Gardens are perpetually in a state of construction as new techniques are tested and developed. It also requires a truly astounding number of employees to tend to, and guard, it and man the intricate irrigation system and advanced cooling and heating systems that work, to varying degrees of success, to keep the plants comfortable and thriving. In addition to plants, the park features a number of small animals and birds from many parts of the world, however these are kept in cages and aviaries in order to ensure they stay in the part of the park made to resemble their native lands.   For the most part, the Gardens are closed to the public and only accessible to members of the court, but one day out of the year, for his birthday, King Hardor opens the gardens' gates to a select group of commoners as a show of his great generosity and genteel nature.   History   The site of the botanical gardens have housed a park for at least two hundred years, ever since the founding of the city. Originally, it was simply a part of the forest that once covered the area, which had been left intact to add some greenery to the growing city. For most of this time it was known simply as the Park and eventually the Park of Kings. The wall around it was built some seventy years ago, at which point it stopped being accessible to the public. However, it is only following the coronation of King Hardor that the style of the gardens have changed from an imitation of wildness to the meticulously planned and coiffed experiment it currently is. This was also when the Gardens were given their current name.

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