Emperor of Rhyliss Rank/Title in Erisdaire | World Anvil

Emperor of Rhyliss

"Do you think Our throne a worthy goal? A restful place to perch and watch the world? Do not underestimate the chains which bind even Our will, the weight of duty We must attend to, and the damage We could do if emotion ruled instead of reason. The citizens pledge fealty to Us, and yet it is We who are beholden to the Empire. A curious conundrum."
— Khalin Rhyliss, the Philosopher Emperor
  Since the time of Adun Rhyliss, there has been an emperor in charge of Rhyliss. Some might consider it the highest office which could be held, a prize worth attempting to seize. But those who have held it, or been close to this lofty goal often acquire a more solemn view of the role of a ruler. While the High Lords and governors are often the ones to determine law for the common folk, a word from the Emperor can quash any such motion. An ill-phrased sentiment might even be taken for official doctrine, and cause a series of events which leave a city reduced so no one stone sits atop another. Such is the power wielded by the Emperor

The office is passed from one emperor to their designated heir, who is often of blood relation - though not always. Several times during the history of the Empire, a presumptive heir was adopted into the family solely to serve as a precaution until a blood relative was able to be an heir. Ever since the crisis surrounding the Adanic Succession in the early generations, every new Emperor has made it a tradition for Their first official act to be the naming of an heir.

While the rest of Erisdaire has varying opinions on the person on the throne of Rhyliss, there is a wary respect for the office itself. It is difficult to take the Empire lightly when it has persisted for over a dozen of generations, and seems to easily resist attempts to destroy it from within and without.


The Emperor is often believed to do little more than reside in the Imperial Palace and occasionally issue proclamations or edicts to make lives of the common folk harder, but this is not quite true. First, most of such are issued by provincial governors or the High Lords, and the Emperor only becomes involved when They choose to make alterations. The daily routine of the Emperor is often to meet with individuals who need a direct interaction, for various reasons, and in reviewing information about what the provincial governors are doing. The Observer Council and Surveyors are often the source of this information, providing an unadorned report about events of note. These briefings can last for hours, or last for mere minutes, and it is difficult to predict which sort of day it is going to be.

Despite being nominally in charge of the Empire, the authority to manage daily operations is given to many others the Emperor trusts to maintain order. While the Emperor is nominally at the head of the Legions, it is not expected for Them to do anything concerning daily activities - or even issue orders during times of war. They appoint generals for this purpose, and issue instructions to the generals so they in turn may determine how to proceed. Similarly, the Emperor rarely creates laws directly without the input of the High Lords. Imperial Edicts carry the highest weight, transcending all other laws in authority, and as such most Emperors use them precisely and sparingly. The provincial governors are expected to solve minor issues concerning their provinces, and the Emperor only intervenes directly in cases of corruption or rebellion. These interventions most often take the form of the Imperial Legion arriving with an order for the arrest (or death) of the offending governor, which has happened enough times for the expectations of those holding such a position to be made clear.

Royalty, Hereditary
Form of Address
Your Highness (Normal)
Most August Majesty (Formal)
Alternative Naming
Scion of the Sword
The August Crown
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