Treaty of Union


The Purpose of the treaty was to end the war of unification

Document Structure

Publication Status

The document is currently locked away deep within the vault of Mergewater Castle kept under lock and key to prevent the document being damaged or tampered with.

Legal status

The document falls under the current ruler of Lyrinthia. In 75AU that is king Willas Lyrinth II

Historical Details


The Treaty of Union is a treaty signed at the end of the war of unification. The treaty was signed my the leaders of the 4 countries that partook in the war of unification as a way to stop the might of Willas Lyrinth I's army that he had amassed from allies and defectors from all four nations. All four sides were losing a lot of lives thanks to their respective war efforts and this was a way to end the constant war of the four nations. The 4 kings had to recognise Willas Lyrinth I as their new king and get demoted to the rank of Count. Each ruler held the same land as before, but were unified under one government and one king, giving any land disputes a central authority to pass judgement.

Public Reaction

There were and still are some people who dislike the idea of 4 nations unified and resist the idea, many more people are content. After hundreds of years of clashes, wars and skirmishes involving 2 or more of the 4 nations, having lasting peace is a welcome luxury to the people of Lyrinthia.


The treaty has ushered in an era of peace in the nation, which has allowed the economy to boom, however there are still people that would see the country split up once again. Perhaps with totally new borders.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date