Slimber Species in Eridani Ilioneus | World Anvil


The Slimber Caverns were dangerous. Not only are they icy in which you could slip and slide right into an ice sickle and die; you can also keep sliding and freeze before reaching the bottom.The Slimber Caverns held another secret - one that the creator never mentioned, but the Slimbers actually are creatures that feed on the Ticerians. A meteor that crashed into Ticeran and brought with it these creatures of unending hunger. The caverns were created when the meteor struck the planet. It hit so hard that it threw enough dirt and soot in the air to cover the warmth from the sun, the ice started forming almost immediately, freezing anything that was on the surface of the meteor., and froze the Slimbers. The Slimbers had a metabolism that they could control, and so they were able to stay alive even though they were froze over with ice, but they come back to life when they are warm enough and the environment is able to sustain life. This is why they are constantly hungry when they thaw.   Once the Slimber thaws, the first instinct is to protect it's queen, and eat.   Slimbers are a creature that stands about 9 feet tall full upright. They have 6 legs: front legs with claws, mid legs with less claws, and hind legs with 4 claws on each hind foot.   Through out time, some of the slimbers have ended up waking up and finding a Ticerian snack lingering around the caverns. These were the Ticerian that didn't listen and wanted to see the caverns for themselves. They thought themselves to be brave and strong enough. Each time this has happened, the slimber generally doesn't find more food and ends up heading back to the queen if they cannot find food around the radius of it's queen. This could last for days for the search of food, but will maintain a close proximity.   The slimber comes from a planet in which they were used as a type of "planet cleaner." They were let loose during an invasion and would spread out across the planet until every living creature was eaten. When all the of the life on the planet is dead, they then turn on eachother as hunger increases until the queen is defenseless and can then be caught and chriogenelogically frozen and put "away" for safety of the new inhabitants of the planet. The process generally took around 12 to 15 years before it was safe to invade a planet.
Conservation Status
Slimbers lay in hybernation as long as they are left alone and not disturbed, they offer no threat.
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