Nanobay Building / Landmark in Equilibrium | World Anvil


A.I. controlled Nano Mechanical Medical Bay

A building associated with healing the sick

The Nano or Nanny for most of us is an Artificial Intelligence Controlled Nano Mechanical Medical Bay and a state-of-the-art facility built on UEE (United Empire of Earth) facilities and larger military ships. One NMB is capable of serving multiple living organisms (carbon-based) at the same time. (humans, dogs, cats, fish, animals)
The facility uses microscopic living organisms called “nanobots”. These nanobots are injected with millions at once into the carbon lifeform bloodstream where they are ready to do their thing right away. The nanobots are connected to and hivemind controlled by an Artificial Intelligence The A.I. has access to the medical library, and a quantum computer and can be communicated with by voice. (see A.I. for more details)

Purpose / Function

healing physcal injuries (ruptures, broken bones, head trauma) and medical conditions (disease, ilness, radiation poisoning, regular poison). It cannot bring back the dead. There are some discussions about what is dead and what is not. When in doub a body can be placed into stasis for further research.


standard its a square room (with rounded corners) large enough for a standard human ad three helpers with a supervisor. there is a chair in the middle for the patient


an electric dissolving door iris shaped , that slides with room for two people and a patient inbetween. (easy fits three people wearing a full body armored spacesuit)

Sensory & Appearance

The room is clean, cool tot the touch, aestetically pleasing. Lines and patterns are visible to give a sense of size and direction. The room has no smell, no sounds


if needed a holographic medical doctor can be summoned. the medical doctor is not only a visual aid but also capable of moving items, people etc. with directional microscopic forcefield manipulation.

Contents & Furnishings

No visible equipment except for a large chair, that looks comfortable for a human.
The chair can flatten out to a table. The chair keeps living tissue in place with directional microscopic forcefield manipulation.

Special Properties

the room is capable of scanning in multiple ways. the chair is one of many. If one chair is full (one patient) it can move it to another room for storage, stasis, or recuperation.


The NMB is a small room, with a medical chair that can rotate, tilt and swivel, stretch flat out to flat surface. The chair can change its density (hardness) and is capable of heating and cooling. It has a bubbleshaped forcefield that can hold a living bieng in its place. the room is void of medical equipment, has only the necessary lights. behind or around the room are several other rooms that hold the (static) equipment. The chair is connected to an A.I., a nanobot facility, and to a storeroom filled with building material for the nanobots. furthermore there is a significant amount of energy needed to keep the NMB operational.
Alternative Names
medbay, sickbay, nanny, nanobay
Environmental Effects
The NMB will do whatever it can to heal a carbon based lifeform. (there are parameters in place to keep it safe, controlled and limited)

Articles under Nanobay


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