The Shattered Scepter Plot in Elythria | World Anvil
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The Shattered Scepter

Title: The Shattered Scepter System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition   Level: 3   Introduction:   The small town of Willow's Reach, located near the edge of the magical forest of Eldergrove in Elythria, is known for its peaceful atmosphere and breathtaking natural beauty. However, the recent theft of an ancient and powerful artifact, the Shattered Scepter, has cast a shadow over the town. The scepter was once wielded by a legendary queen who ruled over the region and was said to possess the power to control nature itself.   The town's mayor, Elara Windell, has sent out a call for adventurers to retrieve the scepter and restore balance to the region. The party must journey into the heart of the Eldergrove, following the trail of the thieves and recovering the Shattered Scepter before its power can be misused.   Adventure Hooks:   The party arrives in Willow's Reach and hears about the theft from a concerned townsfolk. Elara Windell personally approaches the party and requests their assistance. The party learns about the theft from a mysterious traveler in a tavern, who claims to have seen the thieves enter the Eldergrove. Encounter 1: Eldergrove Entrance   As the party enters the magical forest of Eldergrove, they must navigate through a series of magical traps and illusions set by the forest's guardians, designed to deter intruders.   Skills Challenge: The party must succeed on a series of Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks to find the path through the forest and avoid the magical traps.   Encounter 2: Bandit Ambush   The party discovers the thieves' camp and must confront a group of bandits led by a skilled thief named Rennick.   Combat: 4 Bandits (use the Bandit stat block) and Rennick (use the Thug stat block, but add the Evasion ability and +2 to Dexterity).   Encounter 3: The Shattered Scepter   Upon defeating the bandits, the party learns that the Shattered Scepter has been taken by a corrupted treant named Baelthorn, who intends to use its power to take revenge on the people of Willow's Reach for encroaching on the forest's territory.   Combat: Baelthorn the Corrupted Treant (use the Treant stat block, but add the following abilities: Aura of Decay - all nonmagical plants within 30 feet of Baelthorn wither and die; Blight Touch - melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage).   Resolution:   Once the party has defeated Baelthorn and recovered the Shattered Scepter, they can return to Willow's Reach and receive the gratitude of the townsfolk and Mayor Elara Windell. The party may also choose to negotiate a new understanding between the town and the forest, ensuring that both can coexist peacefully in the future.   Rewards: The party gains a moderate amount of gold (appropriate for their level) and a minor magical item, such as a Cloak of Elvenkind, as a reward for their efforts. They also gain the respect and gratitude of the people of Willow's Reach, potentially leading to further adventures in the region.


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