The Healing Temple of Ramses Building / Landmark in Eltharia | World Anvil
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The Healing Temple of Ramses

This temple is located on the outskirts of Folkor in Brastle Plains. This temple is located on the most northerly side and is the closest part of the city near the border of Hesdor. It has easy access to the Crystal Lake. The main route that most people come by is by the road however.   This temple is complex with multiple parts to it. The main entrance has three hallways. The middle straightaway, the hospital for the sick and infirm. To the left, the temple where you can pray, read in the library and a few other public access. The library on the grounds has records of most of the medical practices are documented. The library itself is a repository of healing techniques. To the right is restricted and cannot be accessed by the public. This includes the separate quarters for the clerics, paladins and others who live on the temple complex's grounds along with the staff's administrative team. The paladin's order, the Order of the Spiraling Chalice, is also based here.   The Healing Temple is well known in the world due to this hospital is where quite a few medical discoveries have been made since the temple has been created. There rumors that the temple has had even more success then reported in curing many maladies and curses. Some rumors have circulated about the Healing Temple being the reason that some current diseases are the fault of the temples.   The complex itself is made out of a white stone that seems to reflect the sunlight and brings a positive feeling to it. With its almost delicate looking architecture on the main gates, it is still sturdy enough to be able to barricade in case of an attack. However this complex so rarely is attacked due to the fact that the medical personal will heal everyone that comes in thru the gate to the hospital.
Temple / Religious complex

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