Kellarix Character in Eltharia | World Anvil
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Kellerix is the god of Malignant Destruction, Slaughter, and Death. He thrives on tragic death and utter destruction. Being a shapeshifter, he enjoys leading people astray by playing on their deepest fears. His favorite form is than of a child, which he uses to lure unsuspecting mortals to grisly and untimely deaths. Regardless of which shape he takes, Kellarix's eyes remain the same; forest green pupils surrounded by black sclera.   Kellarix is primarily worshiped by Barbarians, Murderers, and anyone with wanton destruction within their hearts. Kellarix is responsible for the Deceit of De'o, as told in the Creation Myth, making Kellarix the catalyst for all evils being visited upon the mortals of Eltharia. Kellarix ultimately seeks to slaughter all living creatures upon Eltharia and harvest their souls for his own realm.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Destruction
  • Evil
  • Chaos
  • Trickery
  • Divine Symbols & Sigils

    His symbol is a diagonal flail with a skull as the head of the flail.

    Physical Description

    Identifying Characteristics

    His pupils are a forest green with his sclera black.

    Apparel & Accessories

    He wears a crimson sash over a black noblemans outfit. His sash is evershifting with faces of those that he has made pacts with.
    Titles/Known As
    The Slaughterer
    The Blood God

    Quick Notes

    God of Malignant Destruction, Slaughter, and Death   Chaotic Evil   Favored Weapon: Flail   Main Worshipers: Barbarians, Murderers, those with destructive ambitions   Domains Death, Destruction, Evil, Chaos, Trickery
    Divine Classification
    Black iris with forest green pupils
    Long dark green borderline black hair, straight back
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale black, almost borderline grey (ash like)


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