The Aentari Wilds Geographic Location in Ellecrid | World Anvil

The Aentari Wilds

The Green Wilds are a place heavy laden with Fey sorcery and influence. It is a mystical place, full of strange creatures and plants of varieties seen no where else in the world. There, faeries would run alongside the free folk of the wood and play tricks on thews unsuspecting travelers, all in good fun. But those days came to a crashing end when Aentari, the Sick, a Black Dragon of the East came to dwell and make his home in the Wilds. Slowly but surly, the longer his stay the sicker the wood became, reaching out deep into parts of the wood that had remained undisturbed since the oldest days. Yet there does Aentari dwell, there does his influence sicken the wilds.


The Aentari Wilds is sprawling expanse of territory, starting from the east coast of Omyth, stretching as far west as the borders of Pyran Ikos and Merridain. Contained within it's border, the Wilds hold a number of small streams, branching off of a wide river, in some places, the streams run to close togherther, the terrain becomes almost swamp-like. Elsewhere, there is a series of shallow mountains that rise north and grow as they climb that way. The dense forest rolls on gentle to rugged hills coming off of the mountain range. As one ventures from one end of the Wilds to the other, it becomes all the more apparent that in this expansive, yet contained, tract of territory lies a diverse geography that twists and changes to be even stranger the deeper one ventures within.

Fauna & Flora

The Aentari Wilds are home to a twisted version of the flora and fauna that dwelt there long before the dragon came to brood. Due to the Sickening, the beasts have changed and shifted in both appearance and instinct. The wood has become more hostile, the once peaceful prey have become predators in their own right. Many forest animals adopting darkened fur, or strangely colored eyes. It has been discovered that many small creatures, thanks to generations of drinking the polluted water have developed resistances to poisonous contractions they had otherwise been vulnerable to. In addition, some have even developed to have more aggressive defensive instincts involving the spitting or spraying of poisonous fumes or saliva. It is said that nothing natural lives within the wilds anymore, it has all been corrupted by the dragon's influence, and their forms have changed to accommodate and adapt to this new hostile environment. The flora has likewise adopted certain, more aggressive, and sometimes alluring mannerisms. Despite the presumed odor that would exude from a sickened and seemingly dying place, the Wilds has adopted a rather sweet smell to it. This can be attributed mostly to the flowers that have now sprung up, lining their way across trees and branches, creating a canopy all their own to flourish and exude this gentle, yet sweet odor. Do not be fooled, however, that sweet aroma is a product of natural poisons, curated within the pollen of the flowers. Plants with sticky sap have adapted to creating traps by their own secretion to lure prey to them. Others have adopted colors their breeds elsewhere would not hold themselves. Mushrooms have grown to a variety of sizes, their spores imposing strange and often times deadly effects to those unfortunate enough to crush one underfoot, or shake the stalk of one, while resting beneath.

Natural Resources

Though it has been corrupted, the natural wellspring of magical power and natural resources cannot be discredited, which leads most to their grief over the in-hospitality of the region. Feywood branched and bark remains as some of the sturdiest building material to craft a variety of carpentry items, as well as the precious stones that can be found while sifting through the muck and silt of the riverbanks.


The Aeintari Wilds was once known across the world as the Green Wilds, a home to all manner of Fey twisted and strangely mystical natural power on Ellecrid. The veil between the Fey Wilds and the Material world was thin here, so many regarded the forest as the home and realm of the Fey, not daring to step foot within without the express permission or favor of the incomprehensible Fey folk that dwelt within. It was here that the Imperial colony of Merridain communed with the Fey and elevated themselves beyond the scope of their own kin, naming themselves the Ellondrin and separating themselves in favor of their own, Fey influenced governance. For centuries, the Merrinese ruled the dominion of the Green Wilds, reaching as far south as the Deeprock Bay and as far east as the coast and the city of Shelde. During that time, the Green Wilds became such a prominent power and barrier between the southern reaches of Omyth and the Principalities of Draconia, that merchants and traders would be forced to travel by ship, not daring to brave the uncertain lands of the Wilds with goods for purchase. The Merrinese took great pride in this and their new found regal way of life, dwelling, as the Fey did in few large cities, but rather amongst the trees and streams, between the hills and mountains. This era would come to an end in the earliest days of the Fourth Era as both the Stout folk of Ostland and Vandebaux sued for their own emancipation. As treaty and a token of lasting loyalty and friendship, the Greed Wilds was recalled back out of the territories so that the stout folk could live comfortable and prosperous lives. The Merrinese did not want to repeat the folly of their forbears within the Imperium, so the deliberation was not drawn out. But as a means to keep an eye on their former vassal states, the Green Wilds remained sparse within the territories for security. The tragedy of the Green Wilds came when the Council of Wyrms entered into a bloody coup, followed by disbandment in the later years of the Fourth Era. The coast of the Green Wilds was ravaged by bloodshed and pillaging. The Merrinese took up arms amidst the conflict if only to preserve the sanctity of their home. But even as they fought against the Dragons until the war was ended, their strength had been depleted enough to allow the ancient black Dragon Aentari to take up residence with his brood and sicken the land. Before long, the Merrinese were forced to abandon their homes deep within the Wilds and flee west. The Green Wilds would never again be, so long as the Black Dragon remained.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sickened Wilds
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