Grand Exarch Rank/Title in Elder Gate | World Anvil
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Grand Exarch

The Grand Exarch is the rank given to the leader of the largest order of mage hunters in Variel. It is their responsibility to organize the tracking of, and use of raw magic, so that it may locate sorcerers or wizards who can't use, or don't have access to Arcanite. These individuals are then taken into custody by the mage hunters, and brought to training camps to be shown the proper attunement and use of Arcanite in their spellcasting to avoid spawning conflux storms. This is all done to prevent excessive rips in reality via conflux storms that result from the casting of raw magic. 
 Because of the nature of the action that must be taken to avoid conflux storms, it is important that the mage hunters who take the uninitiated into custody inform them that they are not being taken as a prisoner, but rather to help keep themselves, and others safe. They are given the option to be trained by the mages institute, or be stripped of their connection to magic to prevent further accidents.
 When new mages are brought to the mage institute, they are greeted in groups by the Grand Exarch. He will then show them how the mage institute tracks magic throughout the world through the tracking of conflux storms, and the importance of teaching young mages how to use Arcanite to harness magic without the possibility of cataclysmic side effects. The Grand Exarch is responsible for each mage that is brought into, and that leaves the institute. It is seen as not only his responsibility to stop the spread of raw magic, but to assure that only those who will not abuse the vulnerabilities of magic may pass the training of the mage institute. He is as much a shepherd as he is a judge.
Magical, Professional


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