Tearfall's Reclusion Tradition / Ritual in Ekozia | World Anvil

Tearfall's Reclusion

To call the Tearfall's Reclusion a festival is one of the greater lies the whole population tells themselves for centuries. But it is a lie that has to be told - who along us wants to admit that the Tearfall Mood is almost overwhelming and you just want to avoid to teer each other apart during these days? The time of Dark Tearfall is no time for festivals. Only lies and fear.
  The Tearfall's Reclusion is a time during the Dark Tearfall, where families stay at home together and avoid any contact with the outside world. Everytime the comet said to be the prison of Zecod reappears, tensions are high and the population almost turns against each other. The festival was initially founded by the church of Lirini to encourage the people to keep themselves save by staying apart from each other. This is meant to counteract the dark side-effects of the Tearfall Mood which can lead to depression as well as to murderous aggression.   During the festival, the people lock themselves into their homes, following rigorous ceremonial prayer to calm the minds and to be with their loved ones. During each prayer, a priest will wander the streets, reciting the prayers for the people inside the houses to hear and to repeat. The prayers differ by region but always include six prayers, each dedicated to one of the Great Pantheon's deities and with specific themes.  
Gazezu - Thanks for the passing of the night
Early Day
Maned - Pleads for fortitude during the day
Apac - Oath of calm and responsibility
Lirini - Song of Love and Family
Vitukua - Whishes for peace during the night
Sabes - Prayer to stay away the fear of the dark
  Even the larger factories mandate to lay down all work, to avoid too many accidents and potential riots. Last Tearfall, almost whole factory crews in multiple of Whitesteel Inc's facilities rose up, killed all foremen and managers to join the rebellion.


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