The Magic System in Edojima | World Anvil

The Magic System

Magic System Overview

  In Edojima, magic is an ancient and revered art, practiced by those who possess a connection to the mystical energies of the world. Aspiring mages embark on a journey of discovery and mastery, honing their skills through study, practice, and experience.  


  Magic in Edojima is divided into several elemental affinities, each representing different aspects of nature and power:  
1. Arcane:
The essence of raw magical energy, representing creativity and potential.
2. Umbral:
The shadowy counterpart to Arcane, embodying darkness and mystery.
3. Cosmic:
Harnessing the energies of the stars and celestial bodies, symbolizing enlightenment and cosmic knowledge.
4. Order:
Bringing balance and harmony to the world, embodying structure and discipline.
5. Dendro:
The magic of nature, representing growth, vitality, and the natural world.
6. Water:
Flowing and adaptable, embodying fluidity and emotion.
7. Geo:
Grounded and steadfast, representing stability and endurance.
8. Pyro:
The power of fire, embodying passion, transformation, and destruction.
9. Beast:
Forming bonds with creatures of the wild, representing instinct and primal energy.
10. Astral/Aura:
Tapping into the ethereal realms, representing spirituality and connection to the divine. 11.
Radiant and luminous, embodying purity, enlightenment, and healing.
12. Mage:
The magic of arcane knowledge and study, representing intellect and wisdom.
13. Voodoo:
Channeling ancestral spirits and primal forces, embodying mysticism and ritual.
14. Chaos:
Unpredictable and chaotic, representing change, disruption, and entropy.  

Leveling Up:

  To level up in a particular magical affinity, players must engage in RP interactions or training sessions related to that element. These interactions can take place in a designated text channel specifically for magic training. Players can describe their character's practice, study, or experimentation with magic, and moderators or designated magic mentors can provide feedback and guidance.   As characters progress, they gain access to new spells, abilities, and techniques associated with their chosen element. Leveling up requires consistent RP engagement and character development, encouraging players to immerse themselves in the magical world of Edojima.   By incorporating a designated text channel for magic training and RP interactions, players can actively participate in the development of their characters' magical abilities, fostering a dynamic and immersive RP experience in Edojima.  

Leveling Up and Progression:

  As characters engage in RP interactions and training sessions related to their chosen magical affinity, they accumulate experience points (XP) in the designated text channel for magic training. Members will be notified in the text channel when they have leveled up, celebrating their character's growth and achievements.   Each new level requires an increasing amount of XP to achieve. For example, if it took 10 XP to progress from level 1 to level 2, the requirement might double to 20 XP for level 3, and continue to increase with each subsequent level. This gradual progression reflects the character's increasing mastery and expertise in their chosen magical affinity.   By implementing this leveling up mechanic, players are encouraged to actively participate in RP interactions and character development, fostering a sense of progression and achievement in their magical journey within the world of Edojima.  

Magic Items and Alternative Paths:

  For members who prefer a quicker path to power or lack a natural affinity for magic, the world bazaar offers a diverse array of magic items for purchase. These items span various magical affinities, allowing members to explore different elements and abilities beyond their inherent skills.   Members may purchase magic items that do not match their affinity. For example, a water magic user could acquire an item imbued with fire magic. These items will be added to the member’s inventory for one-time use unless they purchase multiple quantities.   However, magical weapons purchased are not one-time use. As long as the member has it in their inventory, they may continue to use it indefinitely. Keep in mind that stronger or more potent items will be more expensive, reflecting their greater power and utility.   This feature provides an alternative means for character progression and customization, catering to members who seek unique abilities and experiences within the world of Edojima. Whether through innate magical talent or acquired artifacts, there are countless paths to uncovering the mysteries of magic in this vibrant realm.

Leveling Channels in Server:

1. Tsukiyomi Academy of Magic

~ leveling by engaing in academy rp, learning as if your OC is a student

2. The Arena

~ Leveling by engaging in combat Rp, weather you win or lose you will gain XP just by participating

3. The Yokai Forest

~ Leveling my tuning into the spiritual forces and using their guidence to propel your magic forward.


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