Frostmelt Tradition / Ritual in Eddur | World Anvil
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Every spring in Valkana, when the rivers flow hard off the mountains surrounding the basin and the Tamestran sea starts to rise, there's a general feeling of lifting spirits. All about the Tamestra Basin folks laugh and joke about, playing all manner of pranks and telling funny tales. One city in particular, Nestora has cherished this tradition for many years, and as such, about 100 years ago, decided to make it official.   In honor of the rising waters they named this festival of japes "Frostmelt" but the more poetic participants say it refers to people's hearts thawing in response to warm-hearted pranking. For a period of a week, the city's laws and social mores are relaxed just enough to allow anyone to prank or make jokes about anyone else. On every street corner you can see common people telling jokes about the council members, or nobles putting pies on merchant's chairs. In the alleyways you might run into a minefield of ball bearings or a deeper than expected mud puddle might catch you unawares in the middle of the street. The only things that restrict the behavior of the citizens is a moratorium on property damage and the more serious crimes (anything from theft on, basically).   The festival culminates in an open performance, held on a stage constructed in front of the Council hall. It's on this stage that all manner of citizens perform plays of a humorous nature, or tell stories that don't have a lesson so much as a punchline. There are even a few philosophers that stand up in front of everyone and speak in academic and ethereal phrases that usually don't mean much for the academic community, but tickle the brains of those who can understand them (they're not very popular...). This event is capped off by a performance by the city councillors who prepare a short comedic play every year for their constituents. For their sake and the viewers, most everyone is thoroughly sloshed by then so it's a good time for all.


This usually takes place one week after the first thaw on the Tamestrin Sea and it's connected rivers. Due to the non-solar nature of their calendar this doesn't occur at any specific date.
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Apr 25, 2018 13:25 by Kris Weavill

Hey there, thanks for entering the Festival challenge, be sure to share your article on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and any other social media sites! Remember more hearts (at the bottom of the page) increases your chance of winning! - GorgeFodder (World Anvil Community Team)

GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil
Apr 25, 2018 13:50 by TJ Trewin

Great article! Sounds like a really fun event to take part in :D

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